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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for either »
either. 1 a. & pron., a On either side, ar gach aon taobh, ar an dá thaobh. b Either of them, ceachtar acu, ceann ar bith acu. I don't believe either of you, ní chreidim ceachtar agaibh. Do you want either of these? an dteastaíonn ceachtar acu seo uait? You can do it either way, tig leat a dhéanamh ar aon cheann den dá shlí. Do you want this one or that one? Either. Cé acu ceann atá uait, é seo nó é sin? Déanfaidh ceachtar acu mé. 2 conj. & adv. a Either come in or go out, tar isteach, é sin nó gabh amach. b It is not here either, níl sé anseo ach chomh beag, ach oiread. Nor I either, ná mise ach chomh beag, ach oiread.
I don't care either way, is é an cás céanna domsa é.
In either event you will lose nothing, cuma conas a ghabhfaidh ní chaillfirse pioc.
You must either do it or get out, iomair an bád nó fág ar fad í.
He shall not go nor you either, ní rachaidh seisean ann ná tusa ach oiread leis, ach chomh beag.
Either one or the other, ceann éigin den dá cheann.
Either you or he has done it; he or you have done it, tusa nó eisean a rinne é.
I cannot (either) read or write, níl léamh ná scríobh agam.
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