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raibh mise ann ~ chomh beag, I wasnt there either.
~ den bheirt, den rud, either of the two (persons), of the two things.
Déanfaidh ~ acu cúis, either of them will do.
chreidim ~ agaibh, I dont believe either of you.
, to denote either habitual or future state or action)
mise ach ~ beag, nor I either.
féin do chosúlacht a bhí ann, it was either you or your double.
Ceachtar ~a, on either side.
Mise ~ tusa atá a mhaíomh, he is referring either to me or to you.
Ach ~, no more than, either.
raibh mise ann ach ~, I wasnt there either.
( siadsan an-ghnóthach) agus ~ dúinn féin é, (they are very busy) and we are not idle either.
É féin a thaise a bhí ann, it was either himself or his double.
raibh ar thaobh ar thaobh eile, he didnt support either side, take any side in the argument.
Caithfidh ~adh tiomáint, you must either lead or drive.
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