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Similar words: lion · íon · laíon · lín · líona
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líon1, m. (gs. lín). 1. Flax. Gort lín, field of flax. 2. Linen. Éadach lín, linen cloth. ~ leapa, bed-linen. Ag déanamh lín, making linen cloth. 3. Bot: ~ na mban sí, fairy flax, purging flax. ~ abhann, water crowfoot. ~ radhairc, eyebright. S.a. corrán 9, dallán1 4.
líon2, m. (gs. lín, pl. ~ta). 1. Net. ~ (iascaigh), fishing-net. ~ fiaigh, seilge, hunting-net. ~ boird, eireabaill, inner, outer, net. ~ coraíochta, casting-net. ~ fionraí, róid, mooring-net. ~ scríbe, sweep-net. ~ a chur, to cast a net; to fix a (hunting-)net in position. ~ a ghlanadh, to clean, clear, a net. Glan as ár ~ta, get out of our way; leave us alone. Duine a ghabháil i do ~, to ensnare s.o. Má thagann sé i mo ~, if he comes within my reach. I bhfad as mo ~, well out of my reach; far away from my influence. I ~ta Dé go gcastar sinn, may we be gathered into God’s fold. 2. Web. ~ damháin alla, spider’s web.
líon3, m. (gs. lín, pl. ~ta). 1. (a) Full number, complement. ~ tí, household, family. An ~ daoine atá san áit, the number of people in the place; the population of the place. ~ fear, manpower. ~ a mhuintire, the number of his people; his full following. ~ catha, comhraic, battle, combat, strength. Tháinig siad ~ a slua, a dtionóil, they came in full hosting, muster. Ní rabhamar ~ coinne, teagmhála, leo, there weren’t enough of us to meet, to encounter, them. Táimid ~ a gcoiscthe ann, there are enough of us to restrain them. Ní raibh ~ síolaí d’fhear fágtha, there was not a man left to propagate his breed. ~ gnó, quorum. Míle duine a ~, they number a thousand persons. Cá ~ a mharaigh sé? How many did he kill? (b) Great number. Lit: Go ~ créachta ar a chorp, with many wounds on his body. Is móide bhur neart bhur ~, your strength lies in your numbers. 2. Fill, measure. Ní théann cuach thar a ~, a cup holds no more than its measure. ~ suíochán an halla, the seating capacity of the hall. S.a. séasúr 3. 3. Mth: Quotient. 4. Lit: (gs. ~a). Party; part, side. Ceachtar dá ~a, on either side. S.a. díbh2.
líon4, a. (In phrase) ~ lán, full to the brim; full-bodied. Bheith ~ lán de rud, to be filled to overflowing with sth.; to be replete with sth. Fear ~ lán, full-bodied man.
líon5, v.t. & i. 1. Fill. (a) Soitheach a ~adh le rud, de rud, to fill a vessel with sth. ~ do phíopa, fill your pipe. ~sé na gloiní dúinn, he filled up the glasses for us. ~ go béal é, fill it to the brim. Áit a ~adh, to fill a place. Poll a ~adh (isteach), to fill in a hole. Fiacail a ~adh, to fill a tooth. Bearna a ~adh, to fill, to bridge, a gap. Lamhnán a ~adh, to inflate a bladder. Adharc a ~adh, to blow a horn. Do ghoile, do bholg, a ~adh, to fill one’s stomach, eat one’s fill. Snáthaid a ~adh, to thread a needle. Foirm a ~adh, to fill, complete, a form. S.a. stiúir1 1. (b) ~ an tobar, the well filled. Seol ag ~adh, a sail filling. An mhuir ag ~adh, the sea rising. Tá an ghealach ag ~adh, the moon is waxing. Neascóid ag ~adh, a boil gathering. ~ na guaillí aige, his shoulders filled out. ~ na súile uirthi, her eyes filled (with tears). ~ an spéir, the sky became overcast. ~ siad isteach, they crowded in. ~ sé suas, he became filled with emotion. (c) Bheith ~ta de rud, to be filled with sth.; to be sated with sth. ~ta le fearg, filled with anger. Tá sparán ~ta aige, he has a full purse, plenty of money. Chomh ~ta le frog fómhair, as full as an autumn frog, sated with food or drink. 2. (Of tide) Flood. Ag ~adh is ag trá, ebbing and flowing.
líon6 = laíon.
líon7, (vn. ~ú, m, gs. ~aithe) = díon3.
Líon a bhá, to steep, ret, flax.
Do bholg a líonadh, to fill one’s stomach.
Tá na boilg ar an líon, the flax is in seed.
~ lín, base of net.
Is maith an fear ar bhonn lín é, he is a great fisherman.
Líonta a bhordáil, to take nets on board.
Tá sé i m~ líonadh, (of tide) it is starting to flow.
~ lín, pounding of flax.
~ an lín, na punainne, chugat, I hope you get trounced.
Cliabh a líonadh go ~ béil, go ~ bruach, to fill a creel to the very top.
3. ~ lín, earwig.
~ (dearg, lín), (kinds of) dodder.
~a duine a líonadh; lán na g~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to fill s.o.’s ears with idle talk.
~ lín, corner of net.
Líonta a choirtiú, to treat nets with bark.
4. ~ lín, flax tow.
Líon ~, bearded flax.
Líonta a chomáil, to tie nets together.
~ lín, cast of net.
Líon coir, casting-net.
~ lín, corn-spurrey.
~ líonta, net-rack.
Líon a chur, to cast a net.
~ lín, flax-pond.
~ lín, earwig.
Líon sí d’uisce é, she filled it with water.
~-líonta, well-filled.
~ lín, olla, tuft of flax, of wool.
~ lín, saic, sackcloth.
Líon eireabaill, tail-net.
~ a líonadh, to fill a form.
Líon a fholcadh, to steep flax.
Go gcuire Dia an líonadh in ionad an fholmhaithe chugat, may God increase rather than diminish your store.
Líonta a chur ar ~, to float nets.
An líon ríthe a ghabh Teamhair, the number of kings who reigned in Tara.
Ghabh siad na líonta, they prepared the nets.
Líon a ghairmint, to ripple flax.
~ lín, flax spread out to bleach.
~ lín, ~ rois, linnet.
~ féir, lín, plucked handful of hay, of flax.
Ghlan siad na líonta, they cleared the nets (of fish).
Gafa i líon, caught in a net.
An líon iarmhair, the stern net.
Bád, bráite, líon, duán, iascaigh, fishing-boat, -ground, -net, -hook.
Líon ~, good fishing-net.
Líon, gaiste, a inleadh, to fix a net, a trap.
Líon le huisce é, fill it with water.
Líon a léiriú, to pound flax.
~ rois lín, linseed paste.
~ doiciméid, completion of document.
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