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Similar words: bágh · báidh · báighe · báith · bligh
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báigh1, v.t. (pres. bánn, fut. báfaidh, vn. bá, pp. -ite). 1. Drown. S.a. tonn11(a).2. Sink, submerge. Long a bhá, to sink a ship. Carraig bháite, sunken rock. Báite i bhfiacha, sunk in debt. 3. Immerse. Líon a bhá, to steep, ret, flax. Báite i rud, absorbed in sth. 4. Inundate, drench. Talamh báite, flooded, water-logged, land. Féar báite, sodden hay. Poll, slodán, báite, marsh-hole. Báite i ndiaidh na fearthainne, sodden after the rain. Báite in allas, le hallas, bathed in perspiration. Tá tú fliuch báite, you are soaking wet. 5. Water, dilute. Ná ~ an bhiotáille, don’t put too much water in the spirits. 6. Quench. Tine a bhá, to quench a fire. 7. Cártaí a bhá, to face cards. 8. Ling: Elide. S.a. snáth 4.
báigh2, f = 1.
Tá an bhá lán d’ainmhithe inniu, the bay is full of seals, etc., today.
Tá ~ agam leis, I like him.
~ ghaoil, kindred feeling; kinship.
~ tarta, quenching of thirst.
Tá sé i m~ a bháite, he is in danger of drowning.
Is beag dá bharr a bhí agam mé féin a bhá san fhearthainn, little I gained by getting myself drenched in the rain.
air! ~ is bearnú (bá, brú) air! ~ Shíol Éabha air! The devil take him!
Ní bhfuair sé bá na beiche, he didn’t get even a drop (to satisfy his craving).
~ bháite, (leaf of) waterlily.
~ bháite, sunken rock.
Bheith i g~ (do) bháis, (do) bháite, to be in danger of death, of drowning.
~ bháite, (leaf of) water-lily.
agus) Tháinig sé isteach agus é fliuch báite, he came in (and he) soaking wet.
~ bhá, fit of tenderness.
Bheith báite i bhfiacha, to be sunk in debt.
~ an duine bháite, drowning man’s grip, despairing hold.
I n~ bháis, (do) bháite, do chinn, in danger of death, of drowning, of losing one’s head.
Bheith i do ~ (báite), to be soaking wet.
Is minic a bádh, a cailleadh, ~ láimh le cuan, there’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.
~ agus bá ort! May you smother and drown!
~ báite, marsh-hole.
An ~ báite, the engulfing sea.
Duine a shábháil ar thitim, ar a bhá, to save s.o. from falling, from being drowned.
~ báite, watered whiskey.
~ báite, water milfoil.
Bádh eisean is tháinig mise, he drowned and I survived.
Thiocfadh bá agat leo, you would get to like them.
Duine a tharrtháil (óna bhá, ón mbás), to rescue s.o. (from drowning, from death).
~ bháite, beachcomber; stormy ocean wave.
Amuigh ar na ~ta báite, out on the perilous seas.
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