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greim, m. (gs. -eama, pl. -eamanna).1. Grip, grasp, hold. ~ a bhreith, a fháil, ar rud, to take, get, hold of sth. Rug sé ~ gualainne orm, he caught me by the shoulder. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to have hold of sth. Tá ~ crua aige, he has a strong grip. ~ láimhe, hand-clasp. Breith ar ghreim láimhe ar dhuine, to clasp s.o. by the hand. Thug sé leis ar ghreim láimhe é, he took him along by the hand. Bhí an capall ar ghreim sriain leis, he was leading the horse by the bridle. ~ coise, foothold. Tá ~ maith ar a chosa aige, he is firmly planted on his feet. Ghabh siad ~ sa talamh, they took hold in the ground. Bhí ~ daingean acu ar an tír, they had firm control over the country. Tá ~ docht aige ar an airgead, he has the money tightly in his grasp; he keeps a tight hold of money. Bíodh ~ agat ar do chiall, hold on to your senses. Dá mbeadh ~ aige ar mo chuid cainte, if he could only grasp what I say. Ní bhfaighidh siad ~ anois orainn, they won’t catch (up with) us now. Dul i n~ i rud, to get to grips with sth.; to get caught in sth. I n~ sa talamh, established in the ground. I n~ san aill, caught in the cliff. Chuaigh siad i ngreamanna ina chéile, they came to grips with one another. Bhí sé i n~ scornaí, sceadamáin, ann, he had him by the throat. Bheith i n~ ag rud, to be gripped by sth. I n~ ag an eagla, in the grip of fear. Tá sé i n~ ag an namhaid, the enemy has him in his grasp, in his power. Breith ar do ghreamanna, to get one’s grips; to get set for action, to get going properly. Coinnigh do ghreim, hold your grip; hold on. Ná scaoil do ghreim, don’t release your grip. ~ pionsúir, grip of pincers. Wr:~ an tsiosúir, scissors hold. ~ an phortáin, an ghliomaigh, crab-, lobster-, hold; painful grip. ~ an duine bháite, drowning man’s grip, despairing hold. Na greamanna dubha, dark clutches, evil influences. ~ gabha, tuft of hair on fetlock. Mec:Dul i n~, to engage, lock, mesh. ~ brollaigh, loop in pannier to hold release-stick. Lit:~ a ghabháil de, to take hold, possession, of; to catch. ~ a thabhairt ar, to exercise control over. Chuir an bás faoi ghreim é, death seized him. Cuireadh greamanna air, he was confined, imprisoned. An ~ is mó a rug riamh orm, the greatest predicament I was ever in. S.a. cloch11(f).2. Bite. (a)~ a bhaint as rud, to bite sth. Bhain an madra ~ as, the dog bit him. ~ dreancaide, flea-bite. ~ nathrach, snake-bite. Greamanna seabhaic a dhéanamh de rud, to tear sth. to bits. (b)(Of food) Bit, morsel. ~ a ithe, to take a bite. ~ bia, morsel of food. Tabhair ~ aráin dó , give him a bit of bread. ~ agus bolgam, bite and sup. ~ milis, dainty bit. Chleacht siad an ~ maith, they are accustomed to good living. ~ do bhéil a bhaint amach, to scrape a living. Tá ~ a bhéil aige, he is able to sustain himself. An ~ a bhaint as béal duine, to take the bread out of s.o.’s mouth. 3. Stitch. (a) (In sewing) ~ (fuála) a chur i rud, to stitch, to put a few stitches in, sth. Ag cur greama, putting in a stitch. Cuir ~ de shnáthaid ann, stitch it with a needle. ~ gúshnáithe, tack. ~ dearnála, fáithime, lúbóige, darning-, hem-, buttonhole-, stitch. ~ caoch, fagóideachta, laisce, slabhra, snaidhme, trasna, slip-, faggoting-, whip-, chain-, knot-, cross-, stitch. ~ tarfhuaite, overcast stitch. Prov:An té nach gcuirfidh ~ cuirfidh sé dhá ghreim, a stitch in time saves nine. (b)Surg:~ a chur (i gcneá), to insert a stitch (in a wound). (c) (Of sharp pain) ~ glúine, stabbing pain in knee. Greamanna fáis, growing pains. Tháinig ~ an bháis air, he felt the pangs of death. S.a. rith12(o).(Var:pl. ~eanna)
~ mise greim a fháil air, when I catch him.
Dá mbeadh breith, greim, ar a ~ aige, if he could undo what he has done.
An bhfuil ~ ghreim aráin agat? Have you a bite of, any, bread?
Greim a bhaint amach, to take out a stitch.
~ greim as an arán, toit as do phíopa, take a bite of the bread, a smoke of your pipe.
Ní dheachaigh greim, blas, i mo bhéal inniu, I have not tasted food today.
Rug sé ar lámh, greim láimhe, orm, he caught, gripped, me by the hand.
Níor bhlais mé aon ghreim inniu, I haven’t tasted a bite today.
Greim ~, loose grip.
Tairne, greim, a bhogadh, to loosen a nail, a hold.
An greim ~, stolen food.
I ngreim an dá bhruach, holding on to both banks, in a precarious position.
Tá mé i ngreim an dá bhruach eadraibh, I am hard put to it to please you both.
I ngreim an dá bhruach a bhí sé riamh, he always wanted to take both sides.
Rug sé greim ~ orm, he seized me by the collar.
Níl greim ná deoch faoi chaolach an tí acu, they haven’t a bite nor a sup in the house.
Do ghreim a choimeád, to keep one’s grip.
Is fearr greim de choinín ná dhá ghreim de chat, quality is better than quantity.
Seilbh, greim, a choinneáil, to keep possession, a grip.
Greim ~, tight grip.
Cuideoidh mé leat nuair a gheobhaidh mé greim ort, I will get even with you when I catch you.
Greim a chur, to put a stitch in.
Greamanna cumaisc, composite stitches.
Dheamhan greim a fuair mé, never a bite did I get.
(Don) ~ ceann, greim, focal, devil a one, a bite, a word.
Ní ~ d’aon duine greim a mbéil a thabhairt dóibh, it will ruin nobody to give them a bite to eat.
Greim ~, tight grip.
Greim an doichill, begrudged morsel.
~ greama, tightness of grip.
Greim ~, unyielding grip.
Ní bhfaighidh sé aon ghreim dá dtiteadh an ~ as, he won’t get a bite (to eat) even if his teeth were to fall out of his gums, no matter how much he craves it.
Greim ~e a fháil ar dhuine, to grasp s.o. by the neck, to fasten on s.o.
Lámh in earr eascainne, greim ar eireaball eascainne, a slippery hold; a precarious way of living.
Greamanna ~a, nervous twitchings.
Greamanna, íona, fáis, growing pains.
Ghabh sé ar ghreim scornaí é, he grasped him by the throat. (Of sail, etc.)
Greim a ghabháil i rud, to take hold of, get to grips with, sth.
~ i ngreim, gripping.
Bheith ~ i ngreim (ag rud), to be held in a grip (by sth.).
Greim giobúis a bhreith ar dhuine, to seize s.o. by the throat.
Is measa a ghlam ná a ghreim, his bark is worse than his bite.
Thug sí léi ar ghreim grágáin é, she pulled him along by the hair.
Greim ~, basting stitch.
I ngreim scornaí ann, gripping him by the throat.
Ar ghreim éille, held in leash.
Níor ~ mé aon ghreim ó mhaidin, I haven’t had a bite all day.
Beir greim láimhe air, catch him by the hand.
Thug mé liom ar ghreim láimhe é, I led him by the hand.
Greim laisce, whip-stitch.
~ amach mé, ~ amach do ghreim orm, let me go, let go your hold of me.
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