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ach1, conj. & prep. 1. But. (Co-ordinating) Beir air ~ bris é, catch it but dont break it. ag teacht atá siad ~ ag imeacht, they are not coming but going. 2. Except, only. (a) Níl ann ~ greann, it is only in fun. raibh agam ~ é, it was all I had. Nach bhfuil leat ~ an leabhar seo? Have you brought nothing but this book? Níl aon duine anseo ~ féin, there is no one here except myself. Níl ~ ag amaidí, you are only fooling. stadann ~ ag ithe, he never stops eating. dhearna ~ a cheann a chromadh, all he did was to bow his head. Rud ar bith ~ sin, anything but that. Dhá phunt ~ pingin, two pounds, all but a penny. (b)Níl ann ~ go bhfeicim iad, I can barely see them. Mura bhfuil ort ~ gur scríobadh thú, if there is nothing the matter with you but that you were scratched. Níl ~ ag nár thuig an cás, he is only saying that he didnt understand the case. 3. If, provided that. (a) (With vn.) Gheobhaidh é ~ íoc as, you will get it if you pay for it. miste duit ~ an tsláinte a bheith agat, you neednt care so long as you are in good health. maith go leor ~ gan fearg a chur air, he is all right if he is not angered. (b) (With a (< go4)) Tiocfaidh ~ a gcuirfear fios air, he will come if he is sent for. 4. As soon as, when. (a) (With vn.) ~ mise greim a fháil air, when I catch him. Bhí sásta ~ an leithscéal sin a ghabháil leis, he was satisfied when that excuse was offered to him. (b) (With a, ar (< go4, gur)) ~ a dtiocfaidh, dtaga, , as soon as he comes. ~ ar éirigh ar maidin, when I got up in the morning. 5. Unless, until. rachaidh ~ a bhfaighidh scéala cinnte, I wont go till I get definite news. 6. But for. (a) ~ grásta , but for the grace of God. (b) ~ ab é, ~ gurb é, an teas, but for the heat. ~ ab é mise, only for me. ~ ab é go bhfuil deifir orm, if I werent in a hurry. 7. (Introductory) Anyhow. ~ ar chaoi ar bith, but in any case. ~ is mar sin a tharla, but that is how it happened. 8. (Pleonastic) chreidfeá ~ chomh hard leis, you wouldnt credit that he is so tall. Níl a fhios ~ a bhfuil de shaibhreas acu, they are incalculably rich. Is é an t-ainm a bhí air ~ Brian, Brian was his name. 9. ~ beag, ~ sa bheag, almost. an buidéal lán ~ sa bheag, the bottle is practically full. ~ chomh beag, neither. raibh mise ann ~ chomh beag, I wasnt there either. S.a. áirithe2, amháin 5, ann1 3, oiread 2 (b). Var. of 6(b): ~ go , ab ea go)
ach2, int. Ah! Och! Ugh! (Var: ách)
Thug arán ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
Níl ach a go bhfuil ciall aige! It can hardly be said that he has any sense.
Níl dada le leis ach an méid sin, there is nothing to be said to him, concerning him, but that.
raibh ach ag ~, I was only joking.
Níl ach ~ gearr as seo, it is only a short distance from here.
Níl agat ach é a bhrú, all you have to do is to press it.
raibh agam ach an teach a dhíol, I had no alternative but to sell the house.
Níl inti ach ~ scine, it is only a makeshift of a knife.
Níl ann ach ~, (i) it is only a makeshift, (ii) he is a man in name only.
Níl ar a ~ ach é, it is his sole interest.
Níl agam ach an ~ seo, I have only so much.
Ach go h~, anyway, at any rate.
Níl inti ach ~ (scine), it is only a makeshift (knife).
Níl ach ~ duit deifir a bheith ort, there is no need for you to hurry.
Níl ach ~ labhairt arís leis, it is pointless to speak to him again.
5. (Ach) ~, except.
Ach ~ an ceann seo, except this one.
Ach ~ gur leagadh é, except that he was knocked down.
Ach) ~ na cnaipí a fhuáil, except to sew on the buttons.
Níl ann ach gur caitheadh an t-~ ann, one would hardly notice that he is alive.
3. Níl ~ ach, it is only.
Níl ~ ach mise, it is only me; I am the only one.
Níl ~ ach sin, that is all there is to it.
Níl ~ ach iad, (i) they are the only ones, (ii) they are inseparable.
Níl ~ ach Seán acu, they consider nobody but Seán.
Níl ~ agaibh ach gur ghoid é, you are forever saying that I stole it.
raibh ~ ach ab fhearr, they were all vying with one another.
Níl ~ ach go bhfeicim é, I can barely see it.
Níl ~ ach fanacht leis, there is nothing for it but to wait for him.
Níl ~ ach a bheith ag iarraidh céille oraibh, you cannot be expected to have sense.
raibh ~ ach nár cailleadh iad, they were very nearly lost.
( raibh) ~ ach é! It was a near thing!
Níl acu anois ach ~ (amháin) gclann, there is only one of their children left to them now.
Ach nach raibh ~ airm acu, but that they had no arms, that they were unarmed.
thuigim é ach tuigim as, I dont understand it but I get the implication of it.
4. raibh d’~ (de) mháthair ann ach iasc, the place was alive with fish.
Níl siad ach ag ~t asat, they are only drawing you out, pulling your leg.
Níl á bhaint den saol ach é, it is worrying him to death.
Níor ~eadh fúithi ach ag gol, she could not be stopped from crying.
raibh ~ aige ach é féin, he was all alone in the world.
Níl ann ach ~ den saol, he is just an ordinary person.
Níl ann ach na ~í fuara, na ~í loma, there is nothing but the bare walls.
Níl ann ach an ~, he looks like death.
Ach ~; ach sa bheag, almost.
Níl as béal an bhig is an mhóir ach é, everybody is talking about it.
Níl aige ach ón lámh go dtí an ~, he lives from hand to mouth.
raibh as a bhéal ach é, he spoke of nothing else.
Níl ach aon bhealach amháin air, there is only one way to do it.
~ ort, duit, raibh ach ag magadh, bless your innocence, I was only joking.
raibh ann ach breith fág, it was neck or nothing.
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