lasc1, f. (gs. laisce, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Lash. ~ fuipe, whip-lash. Thug sé ~ den fhuip dó, he gave him a lash of the whip. 2. Switch, whip. ~ mharcaigh, riding-switch. ~ eallaigh, stock-whip. Cos laisce, whip-stock. 3. El.E:Aut: Switch. ~ ama, dhérialaithe, thruslógach, thuisle, time, two-way, tumbler, trip-, switch. ~ dhúisithe, luchtaithe, starting, charging, switch. 4. Sewing: Greim laisce, whip-stitch. 5. Fb: Punt.
lasc2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Lash. Duine a ~adh (le fuip), to whip, flog, s.o. ~ sí lena teanga iad, she lashed them with her tongue. ~ sé a ndígeantacht, he lashed their obduracy. Ag ~adh fearthainne, lashing rain. 2. Lash out at, kick, strike. Liathróid a ~adh, to lash at a ball; to punt a ball. ~ sé an capall lena bhróg, he made a kick at the horse with his boot. 3. Dash, rush. ~adh leat, romhat, to dash off, along. Ag ~adh chun bóthair, chun siúil, speeding away. 4. El.E: Switch. ~ ann, as, switch on, off. 5. Bootm: Tail: Welt. (Var:~áil)
~ caoch, fagóideachta, laisce, slabhra, snaidhme, trasna, slip-, faggoting-, whip-, chain-, knot-, cross-, stitch.
~ (de) thruip, sweeping kick.
~ laisce, whip, whipper-in.
~ a bhaint as lasc, to crack a whip.
Lasc phlocóide, plug-switch.