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Similar words: cantóir · coirt · conduit · contrite · cúirt
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contúirt1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ). 1. Lit: Doubt. 2. Danger. Bheith i g~ (do) bháis, (do) bháite, to be in danger of death, of drowning. Dul i g~, to incur danger. Chuaigh sé i g~ a anama leis, he risked his life with it. Ná cuir thú féin i g~ leis, don’t endanger yourself with it. Tá ~ orthu in airde ansin, it is dangerous for them to be up there. Níl ~ ar bith san ainmhí sin, that animal is not at all dangerous. Sin an áit a bhfuil an chontúirt, that is where the danger lies. Ná bí ag cur na gcontúirtí sin i gceann na bpáistí, don’t talk of such dangerous matters before the children; don’t instil those dangers into the minds of the children. S.a. caill2 8.
contúirt2, f = cuntar2.
~ a thabhairt ar chontúirt, to face danger.
D’~ a chur i gcontúirt, to risk one’s life.
I gcontúirt, i nguais, bháis, in danger of death.
~ duine a shábháil, a chur i gcontúirt, to save, endanger, s.o.’s life.
Níor ~eadh leath dá ndeachaigh i gcontúirt, all that is ventured is not lost; nothing venture, nothing win.
Tá sé i gcontúirt a chaite, he is in danger of being shot.
An chontúirt a choimhéad, to beware of danger.
Duine a chur i gcumhacht, i gcruachás, i gcontúirt, to put s.o. in power, in a difficulty, in danger.
Bheith ~ ar chontúirt, to venture into danger.
Bheith ~ do choill, do bhalla, do chontúirt, to be close to a wood, to a wall, to danger.
Duine a ~ ar chontúirt, to interpose oneself between s.o. and danger; to ward off danger from s.o.
Ní i bh~ uaidh a mhothaigh sé an chontúirt, the danger seemed very real to him.
Duine a fhágáil i gcontúirt, to leave s.o. in danger.
Contúirt fholaigh, hidden danger.
Ag ~áil i bpoll, in uisce, i gcontúirt, san uaigh, going into a hole, into water, into danger, into the grave.
Duine a chur i gcontúirt, to endanger s.o.
Is mór an chontúirt ~, they are a great danger.
Iompú ó aistear, ó chontúirt, to turn back from a journey, from danger.
I ~ na contúirte, in the face of danger.
~ann an chontúirt an obair sin, there is danger involved in that kind of work.
Is ~ an chontúirt atá air a cheann a ligean leis, he is in less danger for being given his head.
Mheabhraigh sé an chontúirt, he sensed the danger.
Tá an chontúirt os ár gcionn, there is danger hanging over our heads.
~ ó chontúirt, to run from danger.
Dul ~ chontúirt, to anticipate danger.
~ le linn contúirte, steadfast in danger.
~ ó chontúirt, safe from danger.
Duine a thabhairt as an ospidéal, as contúirt, as an anás, to take s.o. out of hospital, out of danger, out of want.
Teacht as contúirt, to escape from danger.
Achasán, cáineadh, contúirt, a tharraingt ar dhuine, to bring reproach, censure, danger, on s.o.
Dul i gcontúirt, i ndeacracht, to get into danger, into a difficulty.
Is fearr duit dul idir iad agus an chontúirt, you had better head them off from danger.
~eadh ó chontúirt, to fly from danger.
~eann siad an chontúirt atá ann, they understand the danger of it.
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