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Similar words: cionn · scinn · scion · cinn · cion
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os cionn. 1. Above. Os cionn an dorais, above the door. Os cionn na farraige, overlooking the sea. Ag meabhrú os cionn na tine, brooding over the fire. Os cionn a chuid leabhair, (poring) over his books. Os mo chionn, above me; hanging over me, threatening me. Tá an chontúirt os ár gcionn, there is danger hanging over our heads. S.a. buille 1(b), clár1 4. 2. More than. Os cionn céad, more than a hundred. Os a chionn sin, over and above that. 3. Beyond, exceeding. Os cionn comórtais, beyond compare. Os cionn gach uile ní, above all. 4. In charge of. Os cionn oifige, foirne, in charge of an office, of staff. 5. Seoladh os cionn carraige, to pass to windward of rock. S.a. bord 4(a).
An t-~ os ár gcionn, the air above us.
Ná labhair thar d’~, os cionn d’anála, air; ná lig in aice, le hais, d’anála é, don’t breathe a word of it.
os do chionn é, raise it over your head.
~ os a cionn, ~ fúithi, weather-side, lee side.
Tar éis a bhfuil de bhuaic os a chionn, though he is held in such high regard.
Tá sé os cionn a bhuille, he is well able for his work.
~ ar ~ (agus ~ os a chionn), full to the brim (and overflowing).
Thar ~; os cionn ~ (uile), above all others.
Ag ~eadh os a chionn, keening, lamenting, over him.
Tá sé os cionn cinn, he thinks he is something.
Tá ~ beag os a chionn, he is a bit befogged, bemused.
~adh chun tosaigh, os cionn ruda, to lean forward, over sth.
Bhí sé ina chnuchaire os cionn na tine, he was crouched over the fire.
Éirí os cionn na ~a, to rise above the ordinary level of the people.
~ os cionn cláir, i gcónra, san uaigh, a body laid out, coffined, in the grave.
Tugadh a chroibh os a chionn, he was sent sprawling.
~ ar an tairne, os cionn na tine, hanging on the nail, over the fire.
~ os cionn na farraige, overhanging the sea.
Bhí an charraig ~ os ár gcionn, the rock was jutting out above our heads.
Tá an gáire, an lionn dubh, os cionn a ~, laughter, melancholy, lightens, darkens, her heart.
Bhí ~ air le fuacht, os cionn na tine, he was hunched with cold, over the fire.
~ os cionn an dorais é, put it over the door.
Tá sé os cionn a chumais, he is living within his means.
Go bhfága Dia os cionn do chúraim thú, may God spare you to look after your family.
Tá ~ os a cionn, she is sunny by nature; she is innocent and good-natured.
Tá ~ os a chionn, he has a glum look about him; he looks villainous.
Bhí ~ air faoin ualach, os cionn na tine, he was bent under the burden, hunched over the fire.
Bhí sé os cionn foilsithe, it was indescribable.
Ag ~ os ár gcionn, floating over us.
Os cionn ~ uile ní, above all things.
Ag gol ar na mairbh, os cionn na marbh, weeping over the dead.
Bhí sé ina dhíon os ár gcionn, it formed a roof over our heads.
In ~ os ár gcionn, up above us.
D’~ sé bun os cionn, it turned topsy-turvy.
Tá ~ os cionn margaidh, honesty is above bargaining; honesty is the best policy.
Bheith os cionn na ~, to be poring over books, studying.
Go dté ~ os mo chionn, till I am dead and gone.
Léadh na liodáin os a chionn, the prayers for the dying were recited over him; his life was despaired of.
Tá ~ os mo chionn, my head is clouded with sleep.
D’éirigh an fharraige ina mothair os a gcionn, the sea rose in huge swells over them.
Os cionn nádúir, above the forces of nature, supernatural.
Tá sé ina ~ os ár gcionn, it hangs like a cloud over us.
Tá ~ coscartha os a chionn, he looks deeply depressed; he has a very sullen appearance.
Os cionn gach uile ~, above all things.
~ a thógáil (os cionn duine), to collect offerings (at s.o.’s funeral).
Thóg siad ~ os a chionn, they raised a cry of lamentation over him.
~ cionn, over, above; more than; beyond; in charge of; hanging over, threatening.
Éan mór ag ~ os a gcionn, a large bird winging its way over them.
Tá tú os cionn ranna, it is impossible to deal with you.
Tá ~ liath os cionn a chluaise, there is a greying patch above his ear.
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