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-ós5, suff. m. (gs. & npl. -óis, gpl. ~). -ose.
os2, prep. Over, above. 1. Lit:~ talamh, above ground. ~ Bóinn, on, above, the Boyne. ~ mo neart, above my strength. ~ a mhuintir, ruling his people. ~ gach flaith, greater than all princes. 2. (In prep. and adv. phrases) ~ cionn, over, above; more than; beyond; in charge of; hanging over, threatening. S.a. ceann1. ~ coinne, ~ comhair, in front of, opposite. S.a. ard1 3, coinne 2(d), comhair1 2, íseal1 3, meán14, méid 2. (Var: ós1)
ós2, m. (gs. & npl. óis, gpl. ~). Poet: Mouth.
ós3 : ó4 II.
ós4, var. form of ó4 used before pl. article and before gach.
Ós ag ~ air sin é, talking of that.
Ós air a bhíomar ag ~, to revert to our subject.
Ós tú atá ar an ~, since you are in a strong position, on solid ground.
Ós leat an ~ ná hagair cáin, since the indictment rests with you do not sue for a penalty.
Ós ~ dó an bás, since he must die.
Ós tú a tharraing ort, íoc olc agus ~, the aggressor must take the consequences.
Ós á insint duit é, while I am on the subject.
Ós ~ go, since it happens that.
Ós teach nua é, since it is a new house.
Ós é is fearr acu, since he is the best of them.
Ós agat atá an ceart, as you are in the right.
Ós ort a bhíomar ag caint, as you were the subject of our conversation.
Ós ~ é go, since it happens that.
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