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os-3, pref. Over, above; super-, supra-
os1, m. (gs. & npl. ois, gpl. ~).Lit: Deer.
os2, prep. Over, above. 1. Lit:~ talamh, above ground. ~ Bóinn, on, above, the Boyne. ~ mo neart, above my strength. ~ a mhuintir, ruling his people. ~ gach flaith, greater than all princes. 2. (In prep. and adv. phrases) ~ cionn, over, above; more than; beyond; in charge of; hanging over, threatening. S.a. ceann1. ~ coinne, ~ comhair, in front of, opposite. S.a. ard13, coinne 2(d), comhair12, íseal13, meán14, méid 2. (Var:ós1)
An t-~ os ár gcionn, the air above us.
Os mo chomhair ~, out, right, in front of me.
Ná labhair thar d’~, os cionn d’anála, air; ná lig in aice, le hais, d’anála é, don’t breathe a word of it.
3. Os ~, openly, publicly.
Labhairt os ~, to speak out, publicly.
Ná cuir an scéal sin os ~, don’t publicize that story.
os do chionn é, raise it over your head.
~ os a cionn, ~ fúithi, weather-side, lee side.
Tar éis a bhfuil de bhuaic os a chionn, though he is held in such high regard.
Tá sé os cionn a bhuille, he is well able for his work.
~ ar ~ (agus ~ os a chionn), full to the brim (and overflowing).
Thar ~; os cionn ~ (uile), above all others.
Ag ~eadh os a chionn, keening, lamenting, over him.
Tá sé os cionn cinn, he thinks he is something.
Tháinig ~ orm os comhair an chruinnithe, I got nervous in front of the gathering.
In aghaidh, os coinne, le taobh, a chéile, against, opposite, beside, each other. (Of thing itself in relation to its parts)
Tá ~ beag os a chionn, he is a bit befogged, bemused.
~adh chun tosaigh, os cionn ruda, to lean forward, over sth.
Rud a rá, a dhéanamh, os coinne cláir, to say, do, sth. openly.
Bhí sé ina chnuchaire os cionn na tine, he was crouched over the fire.
Os ~, in front of, opposite.
Os ~ an dorais, opposite the door.
Os ~ do dhá shúl, before your very eyes, right in front of you.
Os ~ an tsaoil, for everyone to see.
Os ~ na bpáistí, in front of, in the presence of, the children.
Tá lá mór oibre os mo choinne, there is a big day’s work confronting me.
Bhí triúr fear os a choinne, there were three men opposite him, opposed to him.
Os a, ina, choinne sin, as against that.
Éirí os cionn na ~a, to rise above the ordinary level of the people.
2. Os ~, in front of, opposite.
Os ~ an dorais, opposite the door.
Os ~ na cuideachta, in front of, in the presence of, the company.
Os ~ a shúl, before his eyes.
Os mo chomhair amach, right in front of me.
Os ~ an tsaoil, for everyone to see.
~ os cionn cláir, i gcónra, san uaigh, a body laid out, coffined, in the grave.
Tugadh a chroibh os a chionn, he was sent sprawling.
~ ar an tairne, os cionn na tine, hanging on the nail, over the fire.
~ os cionn na farraige, overhanging the sea.
Bhí an charraig ~ os ár gcionn, the rock was jutting out above our heads.
Tá an gáire, an lionn dubh, os cionn a ~, laughter, melancholy, lightens, darkens, her heart.
Bhí ~ air le fuacht, os cionn na tine, he was hunched with cold, over the fire.
Tá sé go ~ os comhair mo shúl, I have a perfect image of him.
~ os cionn an dorais é, put it over the door.
Dul, teacht, os comhair ~e, to appear in court.
Tá sé os cionn a chumais, he is living within his means.
Go bhfága Dia os cionn do chúraim thú, may God spare you to look after your family.
Tá ~ os a cionn, she is sunny by nature; she is innocent and good-natured.
~ os coinne na scoile, directly opposite the school.
Tá ~ os a chionn, he has a glum look about him; he looks villainous.
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