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ard1, m. (gs. aird, npl. ~a, gpl. ~).1. Height, hillock. 2. Top, high part. Ar ~ a dhroma, high on his back. Go h~ a ghualainne, to the top of his shoulder. In ~ an tsléibhe, high up on the mountain. In ~ na spéire, in the high heavens. In ~ an lae, at high noon. In ~ an tráthnóna, in mid-afternoon. In ~ a chinn, a ghutha, at the top of his voice. In ~ a shaoil, a réime, at the peak of his life, career. Tá an ghrian in ~ a cúrsa, the sun is at its meridian. Fan san ~ air, keep the advantage over him. 3. Os ~, openly, publicly. Labhairt os ~, to speak out, publicly. Ná cuir an scéal sin os ~, don’t publicize that story.
ard2, a1. 1. High, tall. Cnoc, talamh, ~, high hill, ground. Foirgneamh ~, tall building. Fear ~, tall man. Farraige ~, rough sea. Go h~ sa spéir, high in the sky. ~ i gcéim, of high rank. Duine a mholadh go h~, to praise s.o. highly. An luach is airde, the highest price. An Té is Airde, the Most High. 2. Loud. Guth, glór, ~, loud voice. Ag caoineadh go h~, crying aloud. Chomh h~ is a bhí ina cheann, at the top of his voice. 3. Ambitious. Tá a shúil ~, he is looking up, ambitious. 4. Go h~ sa tráthnóna, in mid-afternoon. 5. ~ i bhfarraige, far out to sea.
ard-3, pref. (Lenites b, c, f, g, m, p) 1. High. 2. Arch-, chief. 3. Excellent, noble. 4. Advanced.
Go hard ~, loudly and plaintively.
Ní chreidfeá ~ chomh hard leis, you wouldn’t credit that he is so tall.
Léim a thabhairt (in airde) san ~, to jump into the air.
Thuas, in airde, san ~, up in the air.
Áit ard ~, high airy place.
~ mór, ard, high Mass.
~ na gaoithe, the direction of the wind.
As an ~ aniar, from the west.
As gach ~, from all directions.
San ~ sin, in that direction.
San ~ ó dheas, in the south, southwards.
Lá sna naoi n-airde, once in a blue moon.
Ní bhfaigheadh an diabhal ~ air, he is always on the alert, the devil himself couldn’t take him at a disadvantage.
~ a thabhairt ar rud, to pay attention to sth.
Ná tabhair ~ air, don’t heed him.
Níl ~ aige ar a chuid oibre, he is not attentive to his work.
Ní orm atá ~ aige, a ~, he is not minding me.
Dá mbeadh ~ aici ar na páistí, if she cared for the children.
Níl ar a ~ ach é, it is his sole interest.
Duine gan ~, heedless person; unheeded person.
Focal gan ~, insignificant statement.
Na blianta gan ~, the forgotten years.
Ag imeacht gan ~, wandering aimlessly.
Fianaise a thabhairt ar ~, to adduce evidence.
Doiciméad a thabhairt ar ~, to produce a document.
Uacht a chur ar ~, to propound a will.
~ an chrainn, an chnoic, the height of the tree, of the hill.
Fiche troigh ar ~, twenty feet in height.
Ó bhí an ~ sin ionam, since I was that high.
Tá an bheirt acu ar aon ~, they are both the same height.
Tá sé in ~ crainn, he is as tall as a tree.
Fear de d’~, a man of your inches.
~ na gréine, the altitude of the sun.
~ an uisce sa loch, sa bhairille, the level of the water in the lake, in the barrel.
An ~, people in high places; the nobility.
As an taobh, an aird, ~, from the western side, direction.
Tá siad ar ~ dath, ar ~ airde, le chéile, they are both the same colour, height.
ar muir, ar cíos, ar cosa in airde, on sea, rented, galloping. In qualified or particularized references it lenites, e.g.
Ar fad, ar leithead, ar airde, ar doimhneacht, ar tiús, in length, breadth, height, depth, thickness.
As gach aird, from all directions. (Distance)
Níl sé ~ ar chomh hard leat, he is not nearly as tall as you.
Is ~ aird atá agaibh orm, you pay little attention to me.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
In airde sa bhoimbéal, up in the rafters.
~ ard, boot.
~ in airde é, knock it up.
Cá hard é? How high is it?
Cárbh ard é? How high was it?
Tá an teach in airde cabhlach, the house is wall-plate high.
~ an chúil aird, high-caul cap.
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