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cá, interr. a., pron. & adv. 1. (Used in direct and indirect questions. Prefixes h to initial vowel of following noun) What. Cá haois é? What age is he? Cá locht orm é? What fault is it in me? Cá tairbhe duit é? What does it profit you? Cá hionadh dúinn a bheith bocht? Is it any wonder we are poor? Cá háit? (At) what place? Where? Cá huair? At what hour? When? S.a. am1 2, fios 1. 2. (Used with prep. prons.) What. Cá leis ar thóg tú é? With what did you lift it? Cá roimhe a bhfuil eagla ort? Of what are you afraid? Cá uaidh ar tháinig sin? From what did that come? Cá air a raibh sé ag caint? What was he talking about? 3. (a) (With abstract noun denoting degree; lenites) How. Cá mhinice a dúirt mé leat é? How often did I say it to you? Cá luaithe a thiocfaidh sé? How soon will he come? Cá fhad? (Of time) How long? Cá mhéad? How much? How many? (b) (With adjectives, prefixes h to vowel) Cá hard é? How high is it? Cá fearr dúinn anseo? Is it any better for us to be here? Cá beag sin? Isn’t that quite enough? Cá miste duit? What does it matter to you? (c) (With vbs, including past tense of some irregular vbs; eclipses) Where. Cá bhfuil tú? Where are you? Cá ndéantar iad? Where are they made? Cá n-imreoimid an cluiche? Where will we play the game? Cá ndeachaigh sé? Where did he go? Cá bhfuair tú iad? Where did you get them? S.a. cibé 3(b). 4. (Composite form cár used with past tense of regular vb.) Where. Cár chuir tú é? Where did you put it? Cár fhág tú mo pheann? Where did you leave my pen? Cár díoladh iad? Where were they sold? 5. (Combines with copula to form cár, cárb, cárbh) (a) What. Cár locht orm é? What fault was it in me? Cár thairbhe duit é? What did, would, it profit you? Cár chás dá mbeadh ciall aige? What matter if he had sense? Cárbh aois é? What age was he? Cárbh ionadh sin? Was that to be wondered at? (b) (With prep. pron. as) Where. Cárb as é? Where is he from? Cárbh as é? Where was he from? (c) (With adjective) Cárbh ard é? How high was it? Cár bheag sin? Wasn’t that quite enough? Cárbh fhearr duit fanacht anseo? Would it have been any better for you to stay here? 6. (Combines with ar bith to form adjectival and pronominal phrase cár bith) Whatever. Cár bith rud é, whatever it is. Cár bith lá is mian leat, whatever day you wish. Cár bith a dúirt sé, whatever he said. Cár bith is cúis leis, whatever is the cause of it. (Var:ca)
Cá mhéad ~ sa Phaidir? How many petitions are there in the Lord’s Prayer?
Cá h~ é? Cá h~ dó? Cad is ~ dó? Cén t-~ atá air? What is his name?
Cá h~? Where?
Cá bhfuil ~ ort? Where do you reside?
Cá h~ nó cá huair a tharla sin? When ever did that happen?
Cá bhfuil an deireadh aige? Where does it end?
Cá h~, cén ~, é? What age is he?
Cá mhéad a bhain sé amach air? How much did he charge for it?
Cá bhfuil tú ag ~t fút? Where are you staying?
Cá ~ sin? Isn’t that enough?
Cá mhéad ceann ann? ~. How many (things) are there? Two.
Cá bhfuil siad? Where are they?
Cá bhfuil mar? How?
Cá bhfuil mar a rachainn? How could I go?
Níl a fhios ag aon duine cá luíonn an bhróg ar an duine eile, one never knows what someone else’s troubles may be.
Cá bhfuil mé ag ~? What am I saying? Why do I say that?
Cá bhfuil an ~ anocht? Where is the card-playing being held to-night?
Cá raibh an cheárta aréir agaibh? Where did you meet last night?
Cá mhéad ceann ann? ~. How many (things) are there? Four.
Cheistigh sé díom cá raibh mé, he asked me where I was.
cá) ~ ar bith cá bhfuil sé, wherever he is.
Cá bhfuil do chluasa? Cá raibh tú aimsir na g~? What’s wrong with your ears? Are you deaf?
Is cuma leis an óige cá gcroithfidh sí a cos, youth must have its fling.
Cá mhéad ceann ann? ~. How many (things) are there? Five.
Cá gcuirfidh mé é? Where will I put it?
Is ~ cá bhfuair sé é, it doesn’t matter where he got it.
Cá bhfuil do chúram? What have you to do?
Cá ~ duit é? How close is his relationship to you?
Cá bhfuil, cad é, do dheifir? What is your hurry?
Cá bhfaca tú é faoi dheireadh? Where did you see him eventually?
Cá bhfuil do dheis? Cén ~ (a bhfuil) tú? Which hand do you use?
Cá bhfuil an ~? Where is the difference, the distinction?
Cá bhfuil do dhlí anois? Now, where’s your law?
Cá haois duit? What age are you?
Cá leis a mbeifeá ag ~? What would you expect?
Cá bhfuil do dhul? Where are you going?
Cá mhéad míle é? How many miles is it?
Cá mhéad a d’éiligh sé ar an gcapall? How much did he ask for the horse?
~ ar leathphingin, ach cá bhfuil an leathphingin? [’Ireland (everything) to be had for a halfpenny, but where is the halfpenny?’
6. Cá fhad? How long?
Cá bhfágfá thú féin? What about yourself? How could you leave yourself out of it?
Cá bhfuair tú uait féin a leithéid a dhéanamh? How could you persuade yourself to do such a thing?
Cá mhéad atá le ~ agat? How much have you to get?
Ní fheadair aon duine cá bhfuil sé, nobody knows where he is.
Ní fheadar cá bhfuil siad anois, I don’t know, I wonder, where they are now.
~ de cá bhfuair sé é, ask him where he got it.
D’fhiafraigh sé cá raibh mé, he asked where I was.
Cá bh~ duit? How do you know?
Cá bhfuil tú ag ~áil? Where are you going?
Cá mhéad de atá ag ~áil duit? How much of it are you entitled to?
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