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deis could be a grammatical form of: deas » · eis »
deis1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Right hand; right-hand side. Ar mo dheis, on my right. Ar dheis Dé (go raibh siad), (may they be) at the right hand of God. Casadh faoi dheis, to turn right. Ó dheis go clé, from right to left. Dá dheis is dá chlé, to his right and left. Ag luí ar a ~, (of ship) listing to starboard. Cá bhfuil do dheis? Cén ~ (a bhfuil) tú? Which hand do you use? Faoi dheis iompaígí! Right turn! 2. (Of southerly aspect) Ar dheis na gréine, facing the sun. 3. Suitable, convenient, position. Dá mbeadh sé ar mo dheis, ar dheis mo láimhe, agam, if I had it near me, near my hand; if it were convenient for me. Tá tú ar do dheis chuige, you are in the right place for it. 4. Opportunity. ~ a fháil ar rud, to get a chance at sth., an opportunity to do sth. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine (ar rud), to give s.o. an opportunity (to do sth.). Anois tá an ~ agat! Now’s your chance! An ~ a thapú, to seize the opportunity. Failliú ar an ~, to let the opportunity slip. Prov:~ a dhéanann ~, one success leads to another. 5. (a) Facility. ~ oibre, imeartha, snámha, working, playing, swimming, facilities. Rinne sé ~ dom, it served my purpose. Tá ~ a labhartha aige, he speaks well, has a happy knack of saying the right thing. (b) Means, apparatus. ~ iompair, means of transport; vehicle. 6. Material advantage. Tá ~ mhaith orthu; tá siad i n~ mhaith, they are in good circumstances. Rud a chur chun ~e duit féin, to turn sth. to one’s advantage. Ar bheagán ~e, poorly circumstanced. 7. Proper condition. ~ a chur ar rud, to repair sth. Tá sé ar ~ (is ar dóigh), it is in good order, repair. (Ironically) Chuir sé ~ air féin, he ruined himself. Anois tá ~ ort! You are in a right fix now! 8. Sp:~istigh, innings.
deis2 :deas3.
Tá sé ar an duine is deise acu, he is the nicest person among them.
Ar aghaidh, ar gcúl, ar deis, ar clé, forwards, backwards, to the right, to the left.
Is deise an ~ ná an dubh ort, white looks nicer than black on you.
Is ~ áit is deise, there are few places nicer.
Is deise, gaire, do dhuine a léine ná a chóta, charity begins at home.
Ar an taobh deas; ar thaobh na láimhe deise, on the right-hand side.
An ceann is deise duit, the one nearest to you.
Más ~ do dhuine a chóta is deise do dhuine a léine, blood is thicker than water.
Ní mór an ~ duit é, it doesn’t look nice on you.
~ laoich, warrior’s outfit.
Ná ~ do dheis, don’t miss your opportunity.
Níos deise ~, nicer still.
Go dtuga Dia an ghlóir dóibh; ar dheis na ~e go raibh siad, may they share in God’s glory; may they sit at the right hand of God.
I leith na láimhe deise, an bhóthair, towards the right-hand side, the road.
Ná ~ an deis uait, don’t let the chance slip.
Is deas an ball é, ach ní deise ná a ~, it is a nice article, but it is very highly priced.
Ó thaobh na láimhe deise, from the right-hand side.
~ gan deis, shabby gentility.
Ar an b~ is deise, is giorra, do, within an ace of.
~ na láimhe deise, na láimhe clé, the heavenly, the demoniacal, host.
~ na láimhe deise, na láimhe clé, the right-hand, left-hand, side.
~ do dheis, seize your opportunity.
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