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fós, adv. Yet, still. 1. Tá sé ann ~, he is still there. Tá sé luath ~, it is early yet. Is fada ~ é, it will be a long time yet. Déanfar ~ é, it will be done yet. Níor tháinig siad ~, they haven’t come yet. 2. Again, in addition; moreover, furthermore. Tuilleadh ~, still more. Agus ceann eile ~, and yet another one. Deir sé ~ (go), he states further (that). Agus ~, and moreover. Ná ~, nor yet. 3. Nevertheless. Ach ~, but yet. 4. (With comp.) Even. Níos deise ~, nicer still. Tá níos lú ~ agam féin, I myself have even less.
Tá sé ar fhód na h~ fós, he is still in this vale of tears.
Tá orlach de ~ fós, there is an inch of it still sticking out.
Níor tháinig an t-~ fós air, he has not yet reached the critical stage (of his illness).
Tá ~ san abhainn chomh maith is a gabhadh fós, there are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
Níl aon bhreacadh fós ar an lá, the day shows no sign of improvement.
~faidh siad fós, it will come to a fight between them yet.
Níor bhuail na scadáin an cósta seo fós, the herring have not reached this coast yet.
Tá ~ sa bhéim fós ann, there is a kick left in him yet.
~fidh tú fós é, you will be sorry for it yet.
Cé nach, cé nár. Cé nár imigh tú fós? Have you not gone away yet?
Tá mé ar ~ fós, I have not yet broken my morning fast.
An bhfuil an ~ críochnaithe acu fós? Have they finished binding (the corn, etc.) yet?
Is é mo cheapadh fós é, I still think it.
Tá beatha cearrbhaigh fós san Inid, there is still time for a last fling (before Lent).
~ nár imigh tú fós? Have you not gone away yet?
Níl mé ~ oibre fós, I am not fit, ready, for work yet.
Níl rud ar bith ~te fós, nothing has been determined yet.
Níor chis sé ar a chos leonta fós, he hasn’t been able to stand firmly on his sprained foot yet.
Is beag an chlí atá ann fós, he is small of frame, undeveloped, yet.
Níl sé i g~, chun ~a, fós, he is not able to give much help yet.
Tá lán a chraicinn fós ann, he is still a full-bodied, robust, man.
Níl mo scéal críochnaithe agam fós, I haven’t finished my story, speaking, yet.
Níor chaill sí an ~ fós, she is still a good dancer. (Of function)
Tá a dheasca fós orm, I am still suffering from the effects of it.
Beidh an t-~ ort faoi sin fós, you will be called to account for that yet.
Níl tú ~ go leor ar Sheán fós, you don’t know Seán’s ways well enough yet.
Níor fhág an fuacht mo chnámha fós, I can still feel the chill in my bones.
Gheobhaidh sibh creideamh fós, you will come to believe yet.
Tá sé ar ~ fós, he is still alive.
Anois, inniu, fós, ~, even now, today, still.
Tá a teanga ag ~áil fós, her tongue is still wagging.
Bhí an bád ~ imeacht fós, the boat had not yet left.
~ ann ach leanbh fós, though he is only a child yet.
Níor chaill sí a ~ fós, she hasn’t lost her good looks yet.
Is iomaí bliain fós ann, he has many years left in him yet.
Bhí na cleamhnais ag imeacht fós, matchmaking was still in vogue.
Tá siad ar an ~ sin fós, they are still that way inclined.
An bhfuil an bun ~ fós? Is the game (of cards) still going on?
Níl ~ fós ar an argóint, there is no falling off in the argument yet.
Tá punt sa mharc ort fós, there is a pound still marked against you.
Tá sé ~ láidir fós, he is still active and strong.
Níl tú ó chúiseamh fós ann, you may still be charged with it.
Tá an ~ aige fós, he is still young.
Bhí siad fós ina ~ féin, they were still in the same state as before.
Níl aon bhiseach ag teacht di fós, she is not getting any better yet.
An bhfuair tú ~ fós? Have you found a foothold yet?
Nár fhág sibh an ~ fós? Are you still sitting round the fire?
Tiocfaidh siad chun tíreachais fós, they will come home from their wanderings yet.
Níl ann ach ~ oíche fós, the night is only beginning yet.
~ eile, ~ fós, furthermore.
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