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slua1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~ite). 1. Host, force, army. A ~ite a thionól, to assemble their forces. Ar cheann, ar thosach, an t~, in the vanguard. Éirí ~, muster, uprising. ~ muirí, naval force. ~ na láimhe deise, na láimhe clé, the heavenly, the demoniacal, host. An ~ , the fairy host. ~ na marbh, the (host of the) dead. siad ar shlua na marbh, they have joined the great majority. 2. (a) Crowd, multitude, throng. siad ag cruinniú ina ~ite, they are gathering in great numbers. siad ~ mór ann, there is a big crowd of them. Bhí na ~ite ar na sráideanna, the streets were thronged with people. (b) An ~, the people, the public. Ar aghaidh an t~, in front of everybody, in public. Bheith i mbéal an t~, to be the subject of common gossip. Dul leis an ~, to follow the crowd; to act with the majority. (Var: ~gh m; gs. & npl. ~igh, gpl. ~gh)
slua2, m. (gs. ~). Hosting. An ~ déanach, the final hosting, the last judgment.
Bhánaigh an slua, the crowd dispersed.
i m~ na tíre, an tsaoil, an tslua, an bhig is an mhóir, everybody is talking about it.
Bhrúcht an slua amach thar na doirse, the crowd surged out through the doors.
Slua ~, vast crowd.
I g~ an tslua, in the thick of the crowd.
Slua agus ~, an army and provisions.
~ slua ar sraonadh, the rallying of an army in defeat.
Sluaite gan chuntas, innumerable hosts.
Slua dea-eagair, well-ordered host.
Slua, eolas, acmhainn, an domhain, vast crowd, knowledge, resources.
~ an lae, an tslua, an cheatha, the tail end of the day, of the crowd, of the shower.
Bhí an slua ag fánú, the crowd was dispersing.
~ agus gáir an tslua, the tumult and shouting of the crowd.
~ an tslua, the tumult of the crowd.
An slua a ghríosú, to rouse the mob.
Bhí ag ~ tríd an slua, he was shouldering his way through the crowd.
Slua ~, vast crowd.
~ an tslua, the melting away of the crowd.
~ an slua ó chéile, the crowd melted away.
Tháinig siad ~ a slua, a dtionóil, they came in full hosting, muster.
Slua ~, numerous host.
Mhill an slua iad, the fairy host cast a blight over them.
~ an tslua, the noise of the crowd.
An Slua M~, the Marine Corps.
Le ~ slua, by force of numbers.
Bhí slua mór rompu, there was a big crowd waiting for them.
Bhí an slua ag ~eadh, the crowd was dispersing, getting sparse.
An slua ~, the fairy host.
Ag ~ le sluaite, tangling with hosts.
~ an tslua ann, it attracts the crowd.
~ slua, hosting.
Thionóil siad a sluaite, they assembled their forces.
I d~ an tslua, an áir, in the thick of the host, of the slaughter.
~ sluaite, levying of hosts.
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