mill1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1 = meill. 2. Bot: Pendant bud or flower. ~eanna gabhair, honeysuckle flowers. ~eanna fiúise, fuchsia bells.
mill2, v.t. & i. Spoil; mar, ruin. 1. Ball troscáin, obair lae, cluiche cártaí, a mhilleadh, to spoil an article of furniture, a day’s work, a game of cards. Mhill an fhearthainn na barra, the rain spoiled the crops. Mhill siad an tír, they ruined, devastated, the country. Mhill sé an t-éadach, he ruined the cloth. Ná ~ do shláinte, don’t ruin your health. ~fidh tú do shúile leis, you will ruin your eyes with it. ~eadh a chlú, his reputation was destroyed. Mhill tú an scéal orainn, you ruined matters for us. Níor mhill mise a bharúil air, I didn’t deprive him of his opinion. Tá do chuid ~te ort, your food is spoilt. Bhí sé gearrtha ~te, he was disfigured with cuts. 2. Leanbh a mhilleadh, to spoil a child. Tá na páistí ~te acu, they have the children spoilt. 3. Ravish. Maighdean a mhilleadh, to spoil a virgin. 4. (Of baneful influence) Mhill an slua sí iad, the fairy host cast a blight over them. Ruidín ~te, withered, puny, little thing. 5. (With faoi) ~eadh faoi rud, to undermine, frustrate, sth. Ag ~eadh faoi féin atá sé, he is defeating his own object.
mill3 : meall1.
Mhill sé an obair orm, he spoiled the work on me.
Ar milleadh, all that was spoiled.
Ná bíodh an ~ ag milleadh an anama agat, don’t prevaricate; don’t perjure yourself.
Mhill, scaip, siad a chlú, they defamed his character.
Tá siad ag milleadh na ~a, they are destroying the crops.
Ní mhilleann ~ fiacail, a kind word is always welcome.
Ag milleadh agus ag díbheirg na tíre, despoiling and plundering the country.
Thug sé ~ mhillte orm, he gave me a killing look.
Ní mhilleann dea-ghlór ~; níor bhris focal maith ~ riamh, a kind word is always welcome.
Bheith ~tha millte, to be cut and mangled, all cut up.
Millte, scriosta, ~, completely spoiled, destroyed.
Mhill sé an ~ aige, it spoiled his digestion.
Druidim an mhill, narrowing of shank of stocking.
~ oibre, spoiling of work.
~ amhráin, mangling of song.
~ scéimhe, ravishing of beauty.
~ dóchais, blasting of hope.
~ tíre, spoliation of country.
~ scéime, wrecking of scheme.
~ corp, mutilation of bodies.
~ radhairc, destruction of view.
~ páistí, spoiling of children.
A mhilleadh sin, the contrary to that.
Is é a mhilleadh sin agamsa é, it is the opposite case with me.
Dúirt sé a mhilleadh sin ar fad, he said the very opposite.
Le barr neamh-aistir a mhill siad é, they destroyed it out of sheer thoughtlessness, irresponsibility.
~ chiorraithe, ~ mhillte, evil eye; baleful look.
Tá sé ~ go léir millte acu, they have destroyed it altogether.
~ cnoic, ~ díobhaill, ~ millte, ‘fairy dart’, louping-ill.
Roth buaile, water-wheel, wheel of water-mill.
4. ~ muilinn, mill-clapper;
Ag cur abhrais ar do choigeal féin, bringing grist to one’s own mill.
Oibreacha, muileann, a dhúnadh, to close down works, a mill.
Tá an fharraige ina ~ abhann, ina ~ lán, the sea is like a mill-pond.
Muileann ~, derelict mill.
~eann muilte Dé go mall, God’s mill grinds slow (but sure).
Tá do mhuileann ag ~t i gcónaí, ‘your mill is forever grinding’, you never stop talking.
~ arbhair, grinding, milling, of corn.
~ ladair, scoop-wheel mill;
~ arbhair, plúir, corn-, flour-, mill.
Ag tarraingt uisce ar do mhuileann féin, drawing water to one’s own mill.
~ caife, piobair, coffee-, pepper-, mill.
~ brúite, rolláin, stamping-, rolling-, mill.
~ cadáis, olla, síoda, sníomhacháin, cotton-, woollen-, silk-, spinning-, mill.
Éadach, snáth, muileann, olla, woollen cloth, yarn, mill.
1. ~ (bró), shaft (of millstone), mill-spindle.
Muileann ramhraithe, tucking mill.
5. ~ muilinn, mill-wheel.
~ na cloiche bró atá agam, I swim like a (mill)stone.
~ tarae, rapid flow of mill-race.
~ cheárta, mhuilinn, turn to be served at the forge, at the mill.