In ~ an anama, critically ill.
An rud is measa ~, the worst thing there is.
Is é an díogha, an togha, an scoth, é, it is the worst, the choicest, the best.
Tá cuma ~ air, he looks weather-beaten, the worse for wear.
Is troime a bhagairt ná a bhuille, his bark is worse than his bite.
Mar bharr ar an ádh, ar an mí-ádh, as luck, ill-luck, would have it.
Tháinig an ~ air; bhuail an ~ é, he became fatally ill.
Níl ~ ná biseach air, he is chronically ill.
Níl bás ná ~ air, he is by no means critically ill; he will get over it.
Dá mbeidís go holc dúinn, if they were ill-disposed towards us.
8. Bhuail sé breoite, he fell ill.
An rud is measa dár bhuail faoi, the worst thing that happened him.
Ní measa é ná ~, he is no worse than others.
~ é an rud is measa ar bith? What is the worst thing of all?
Ní beo duine i ndiaidh a cháinte, dishonour is worse than death.
Ná bí í gcónaí ag ~eamh ar do chomharsana, don’t be forever speaking ill of your neighbours.
Bhí mé i mbearna ba chaoile ná sin, I was in worse straits than that.
Is olc an ~ dó é, it ill becomes him.
Ba bhocht an chinniúint a bhí roimhe, an ill fate awaited him.
Abairt chiotach, ill-constructed sentence.
Tá sé ina luí go ~, he is lying very ill.
Is ~ an mhaise duit é, it ill becomes you.
Ag cnuasach drochaigne, gathering ill will.
Fásann ~ roimh chruithneacht, ill weeds grow apace.
An chuid is measa de, the worst part of it.
Ní ~ (ná díth) dó é, he is none the worse for it.
Níl mé a dhath níos measa leis, I am none the worse for it.
Is é an rud is measa de (go), the worst part of it is (that).
An rud is ~ agus is measa, the best and worst thing.
Ní dhéanfadh do dheargnamhaid é, your worst enemy would not do it.
An rud a thig thar dhroim an diabhail imíonn sé faoina bholg, what is got over the devil’s back is spent under his belly; ill got, ill spent.
~ ruda, the worst (part) of sth.
~ na hoibre, the worst kind of work.
~ na bhfear, the worst of men.
~ gach síne sioc, frost is the worst weather.
~ gach ceirde goid, thieving is the worst trade.
~ gach ~ (drochbhean), the worst of all (is a bad woman).
Is é (an) ~ é, it couldn’t be worse.
Tá ~ mhór air, he is in great affliction, very ill.
An rud is doilí le duine ná a bhás (b’fhéidir gurb é lár a leasa é), what one thinks to be a fate worse than death (may be a blessing in disguise).
Ba dhona an chomhairle dó é, he was ill-advised.
Bheith go ~, to be seriously ill.
Dul i n~, chun ~a, to get worse.
Dul i n~, chun an donais, to get worse; to go to the bad.
An cás a chur chun an donais ar dhuine, to make matters worse for s.o.
Is é ~ an scéil (go), the worst of it is (that).
Cailleadh an ~ (agus an duáin) ort! Worse luck to you!
An ~ a bheith ort, to get the worst of something, be unfortunate.