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cinniúint1, f. (gs. -úna).Fate. 1. Destiny; chance. Bhí sé sin sa chinniúint aici, that was fated for her. Más ~ dom é, if it is my lot. Más den chinniúint nó den fhortún dom é, if it be my fate or fortune. Ba den chinniúint gur tharla sé, chance ordained that it should happen. Cor a chur i g~ duine, to change the course of s.o.’s life. Ní choisctear ~, there is no getting away from fate. Ní chuireann an chinniúint a cosa fúithi, fate never rests. 2. Tragedy, misfortune. Rugadh faoi chinniúint é, he was born to be unlucky. Ba bhocht an chinniúint a bhí roimhe, an ill fate awaited him. Tháinig sé de chinniúint orthu a gclann a chailleadh, they had the misfortune to lose their children. D’imigh ~ air, he had an unfortunate accident. Is mór an chinniúint é! What a tragedy!
cinniúint2 = cinneadh1.
Ó chiorraigh an chinniúint ár leoin, since fate cut off our warriors.
Is beag ár g~ ar ár gcinniúint, we have little control over our destiny.
Bhuafadh an ~ ar an gcinniúint, ‘care could overcome fate’, accidents can be avoided with care.
Ghabh siad ~ lena gcinniúint, they accepted their fate.
na beatha, an chinn, an chroí, na cinniúna, line of life, of head, of heart, of fate.
In ~ na cinniúna, in the lap of the gods.
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