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Similar words: line · íne · lín · líneo · línre
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líne, f. (gs. ~, pl. -nte). Line. 1. (a)~a tharraingt, to draw a line. ~ dhíreach, bhearnach, straight, broken, line. Ar aon ~ le, in line with. As ~, out of line, of alignment. ~ cheangail, line of junction. ~ na lár, line of centres. ~ chomh-airde, contour line. Línte an speictrim, spectrum lines. ~ mheán lae, meridian line. ~ thógála, construction line. ~ theorann, boundary line. ~ chosanta, line of defence. Lit:Línte cuach, engraved lines on cups. Palmistry:~na beatha, an chinn, an chroí, na cinniúna, line of life, of head, of heart, of fate. Fear ~, linesman. (b)~scríbhneoireachta, filíochta, line of writing, of poetry. ~ a léamh, to read a line. ~ cló, de leabhar, line of type, of a book. Cúpla ~ a scríobh, a chur, chuig duine, to drop s.o. a line. (c)Dul i ~, to form a line. Sheas siad ina ~, they stood in line. ~ chatha, line of battle. Na línte tosaigh, the front lines. 2. (a)~teileagraif, teileafóin, telegraph, telephone, line. (b)~(éadaigh), clothes-line. Croch amuigh ar an ~ iad, hang them out on the line. ~ rialaithe, measuring line. (c)~tharrthála, lifeline. 3. ~ loingis, busanna, shipping, bus, line. 4. (a) Lineage, race, family; generation. Ar lorg a ~ roimhe, like the people who came before him. An ~ (daoine) atá anois ann, the present generation. Lit:Léim thar ~, to go outside the traditional line (of succession); to go beyond the bounds. Lit:Gach ~ nár leáigh, every line that did not become extinct. (b)Lit: Span. Bliain go leith a ~, his reign lasted a year and a half. Na sé ~, the ‘six ages’ of the world. 5. Clutch. ~ uibheacha, clutch of eggs. ~ a chur faoi chearc ghoir, to set a clutch of eggs under a brood-hen. Bhí na cearca i ndeireadh a ~, the hens were about to stop laying.
Líne aindiallais, agonic line.
Ar an g~ líne, on the first line.
Líne chóimeála, assembly line.
Línte comhchlaonais, isoclinic lines.
Línte comhfhaid, lines of equal length.
Línte comhleithid, lines of equal breadth.
Línte ~a, parallel lines.
Chuir sé thar an líne é, he put it over the line.
Líne dhealaithe, dividing line.
Líne, ciorcal, sraith, a dhéanamh, to make a line, a circle, a row.
~ líne, ranga, the end of a line, of a class.
An líne a tháinig ina dhiaidh, the generation that came after him.
Líne dhíreach, straight line.
Líne dhomhanfhaid, line of longitude.
Líne dhomhanleithid, parallel (of latitude).
Línte ~, double lines.
Líne, cath, eagair, ordered line, battle(-formation).
Líne ~, aclinic line.
Líne fhada, long line.
Cuir líne ~, underline it.
Líne ghinealaigh, line of descent, lineage.
Líne ghlan, clean line.
Sheas siad ina líne, ina scataí beaga, they stood in a line, in little groups.
Líne ingir, plumb-line.
Líne, gearradh, ~, vertical line, section.
Líne a ~úint, to produce a line.
4. Líne, véarsa, ~, stray line, verse; line or verse incorporated from an older composition.
~ sé cúpla líne chugam, he sent me a few lines.
Líne a rianú, to trace a line.
Líne, uillinn, ~, oblique line, angle.
~ líne, ribe, line-, hair-, space.
Na línte a ~, to space out the lines.
Líne thacaíochta, support line.
Líne thagartha, datum line.
Líne, stríoc, ciorcal, a tharraingt, to draw a line, a stroke, a circle.
Ghearr sé líne ~ an leathanaigh, he drew a line across the page.
An áit a dtrasnaíonn na línte, na bóithre, a chéile, where the lines, the roads intersect.
Línte ~a, heavy lines.
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