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trom1, m. (gs. & npl. -oim, gpl. ~).Arb: Elder. Crann troim, elder-tree. S.a. toradh 2.
trom2, m. (gs. ~).1. Weight; burden, oppression. Lig sé a throm ar mo ghualainn, he leaned heavily on my shoulder. A ~ féin óir, her own weight in gold. Chuir sin ~ ar m’intinn, that weighed on my mind. Tháinig ~ ar mo chroí, I felt oppressed at heart. Tá mé idir dhá throm, I am in a dilemma. 2. Bulk, preponderance. Tá ~ na hoibre déanta, the bulk of the work is done. Cuireadh ~ an mhilleáin air, he got most of the blame. Tá ~ na bhfear linn, the main body of the men supports us. 3. Importance. Níl ~ an tsifín san argóint sin, that argument is of no consequence. 4. Blame, censure. ~ a chur ar dhuine faoi rud, to blame s.o. unduly for sth. Ní ag cur ~ orthu atá mé (ach), I don’t want to be severely critical of them (but). 5. ~~, (game of) forfeits.
trom3, a. (gsm. ~, gsf. & comp. -oime, npl. ~a). Heavy. 1. Of great weight. Ualach, lasta, ~, heavy load, cargo. 2. Of high specific gravity. Miotal ~, heavy metal. Tá sé níos troime ná an t-uisce, it is heavier than water. 3. Of heavy texture. Cré throm, heavy clay. Cóta ~, heavy coat. 4. Stodgy; hard to digest. Béile, císte ~, heavy meal, cake. 5. Dense, thick. Malaí ~a, heavy eyebrows. Línte ~a, heavy lines. Cló ~, heavy type. Ceo ~, dense fog. Brat ~ sneachta, heavy mantle of snow. 6. Abundant. Toradh ~, heavy yield. Barr ~ cruithneachta, heavy crop of wheat. Bhí fómhar ~ acu i mbliana, they had a plentiful harvest this year. 7. Of great force or intensity. Buille ~, heavy blow. Cith ~, heavy shower. Tá sé ag sioc go ~, it is freezing hard. 8. Laborious. Obair throm, hard work. Lá ~ níocháin, heavy day’s washing. Tá an chuid is troime den obair déanta, the heaviest part, the bulk, of the work is done. Tá an treabhadh ~ aige go fóill, ploughing is too hard a task for him yet. Níl rud ar bith ~ (ná te) aige, he will stop at nothing. 9. Burdensome. Cíos, costas, ~, heavy rent, expense. Bhí na gearrthacha ~ orainn, the rates were a burden on us. 10. Grievous, severe. Slaghdán ~, heavy cold. Gortú ~, severe injury. Cathú ~, sore temptation. Buaileadh go ~ iad, they were heavily defeated. 11. Harsh, tyrannous. An focal ~, the harsh word. Ná bí ~ ar na páistí, don’t be hard on the children. Tá tú ~ orm faoin taisme sin, you are blaming me unduly for that accident. 12. Unsparing. Bheith ~ ar bhróga, ar éadach, to be hard on shoes, on clothes. Tá sé ~ ar thobac, ar an ól, he is a heavy smoker, drinker. Nach tú atá ~ ar airgead? Don’t you spend a lot of money? 13. Sultry, oppressive. Aimsir throm, sultry weather. Boladh ~, heavy odour. Tá an t-aer ~ sa seomra seo, the air is heavy in this room. 14. Weighty, profound; important. Tá léann ~ aige, he is deeply read. Ar chúiseanna ~a tathagacha, for weighty and substantial reasons. Ní hé is troime ciall acu, he is not the most sensible of them. Níor labhair mé aon fhocal ba throime ná sin, I didn’t speak a word of any greater consequence than that. 15. Dull, tedious. Léitheoireacht throm, heavy reading. 16. Laboured. Anáil throm, heavy breathing. 17. (a) Drowsy. Tá mo shúile ~ le codladh, my eyes are heavy with sleep. (b) Deep, slumberous. Codladh ~, heavy sleep. Is ~ a suan, they slumber deeply. 18. Oppressed, sad. Bhí mo chroí ~, my heart was heavy. Is í m’intinn atá ~, my mind is oppressed. Nach tú atá ~ ionat féin? Why are you so down-hearted? 19. ~ ar leanbh, heavy with child. 20. (As adv.) ~ gorm, ~ dearg, deep blue, deep red. 21. Comp. combined with -de2. Ní troimide an t-each a shrian, a horse is not encumbered by its bridle.
trom4 = tabhair dom :tabhair.
Tá ~ aige ar obair throm, he can stand up to heavy work.
Tá sé trom aige, it is heavy for him.
Airím trom é, I feel it heavy.
Tá sé trom ar na bróga, he is hard on shoes.
Tá fiacha troma orthu, they are heavily in debt.
Is troime a bhagairt ná a bhuille, his bark is worse than his bite.
Bhí sé ag teacht ar ~ go trom uirthi, she was shipping heavy seas.
~a troma, tairní, heavy, hobnailed, boots.
~ throim, elder-berry.
Tá an ~ trom den obair déanta, the heavy part of the work is done.
~ mór, beag, trom, dubh, large, small, heavy, black, type.
Tá sé trom, éadrom, ar a choiscéim, he is heavy, light, of step.
~ troim, liathchorcra, elder, lilac, tree.
~ trom, éadrom, heavy, light, heart.
Tá sé ag cur (fearthainne) go trom, it is raining heavily.
~ fuar, trom, extremely cold, heavy.
troma used in phrase)
Is trom cearc i bh~; caora mhór an t-uan i bh~, light burdens long borne grow heavy.
D’fhear sé sneachta trom, there was a heavy fall of snow.
Chuaigh ~ throm orthu, they were heavily fined.
Trom, éadrom, le hiompar, heavy, light, to carry.
Tá ualach trom ar ~ agat, you are carrying a heavy load.
An ~ throm, the heavy hand.
Tá a chúram ag luí go trom air, his responsibilities weigh heavily on him.
~ éadrom, trom, light, heavy, cavalry.
~ trom, heavy metal.
Tú féin a mhúchadh le héadach trom, to muffle oneself up in heavy clothing.
~ throm, éadrom, heavy, light, work.
Ag ~ go trom, drinking heavily.
Bhí sé trom dá ~, it was correspondingly heavy.
Tá ~ ag cur go trom, it is raining heavily.
Tá ~ trom caite aige, there has been a heavy fall of snow.
Ná ~ thú féin leis an obair throm sin, don’t overtax yourself with that heavy work.
Níor thug sé ~ an troim orm, he ignored me completely.
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