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Similar words: cinnt · cinntí · linnte · scinnte · cáinte
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cinnte could be a grammatical form of: cinneadh » · cinn »
cinnte1, a3. 1. Certain. Bheith ~ de rud, to be certain of sth. Bheith ~ go, to be certain that. Is ~, scéal ~, gur fíor é, it certainly is true. Is ~ sin, that is certain. Tá mé ~ dearfa de, I am absolutely certain of it. Níl rud ar bith is ~ ná é, nothing could be surer than it. Ní thiocfadh leat a bheith ~ den bhoc sin, you couldn’t be sure of that boyo. ~! Go ~! Certainly! ~ le Dia! Surely to God! Chomh ~ is atá tú beo, grian ar an aer, méara ort, cluas ar do leiceann, gob ar phréachán, púdar i nDoire, an Cháisc ar an Domhnach! As sure as anything! 3. Definite. Freagra, gealltanas, ~, definite answer, promise. Gram:An t-alt ~, the definite article. 4. Mean, stingy. Fear crua ~, a hard grasping man. 5. Constant. Fearthainn chinnte, constant rain. 6:cinneadh2.
cinnte2. 1:cinneadh1. 2. pp. of cinn1.
Ní rachaidh mé ~ a bhfaighidh mé scéala cinnte, I won’t go till I get definite news.
Bí cinnte ~ tabhair leat é, be sure to take it with you.
~ cinnte, éiginnte, definite, indefinite, article.
Chomh cinnte is atá ~ ar do mhuineál, as sure as you are alive.
Má tá tú ~ cinnte sin de, if you are as sure of it as all that.
Níl rud ar bith ~te fós, nothing has been determined yet.
Go cinnte ~; go deimhin is go ~, most assuredly.
Tá mé cinnte ~ de, I am absolutely certain of it.
Chomh cinnte is dá mbeadh sé i gcúl do dhoirn agat, as surely as if you had it in the hollow of your hand.
Go díreach ~; go cinnte ~, exactly.
Bhí mé ~ is cinnte de, I was virtually certain of it.
Tá ~ cinnte de, ach níl mise, he is certain of it, but I am not.
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