rás1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~aí). Race. 1. (a) ~ a rith, to run a race. ~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. run. ~ coise, bóthair, foot-, road-, race. ~ capall, bád, horse-, boat-, race. ~ sealaíochta, relay race. De ~, at a run. S.a. rith12(a). (b) Run, short visit. ~ a thabhairt abhaile, to take a run home. 2. Channelled current. ~ muilinn, mill-race. 3. Short period. ~ de mo shaol, a stage of my life. (Var: ~am)
rás2, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~aí). Biol: Race. ~ daoine, race of people. (Var: ~a m)
rás3 = ros2.
Breith ar dhuine i rás, to overtake s.o. in a race.
~eadh amach é sa rás, he was outdistanced in the race.
~ cúrsa, turais, rása, end of course, of journey, of race.
~ cogaidh, céachta, cóiste, rása, seilge, ualaigh, charger, plough-horse, coach-horse, racehorse, hunter, pack-horse.
Ní dhéanfadh an saol ~ rása d’asal, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
Bhí siad ag ~eadh a chéile sa rás, they were running neck and neck.
Shuigh siad ~ agus comhartha don rás, they fixed a limit and a mark for the race.
~ de rás, a lap of a race.
Tá siad ag díriú amach ar an rás, they are going about the race in earnest.
~ bagáiste, iompair, rása, cogaidh, baggage-, riding-, race-, war-, horse.
B’éigean dom éirí as an rás, I had to retire from the race.
Rás ~, long-distance race.
~adh sa rás é, he was left behind, outdistanced, in the race.
~adh ar deireadh sa rás é, he was left trailing in the race.
Rás a fhéachaint, to try a race.
Tá siad ~ ar a chéile sa rás, they are contesting the race keenly.
Níl a shárú faoi rás, faoi rothaí, faoi luí, na gréine, there’s nothing better than it under the sun.
Rás iomartha, rowing contest.
Bheith ~ ar chomórtas, ar rás, to be entered for a competition, for a race.
1. Ag ~ (i rás, thart, amach is isteach), running (in a race, about, in and out).
~ rása, the running of a race.
Tá ~ an rása leat, you have a clear run ahead of you, have surmounted your difficulties.
~ i rás, to run in a race.
Duine a shárú i rás, to get the better of s.o. in a race.
~ an rás acu, they broke into a run.
Duine a ~eadh i rás, to outdistance s.o. in a race.
Capall, rás, ~a, relay horse, race.
Shéid an rás acu, they broke into a run.
Bhí siad ~te le chéile sa rás, they were running side by side.
siar) D’fhág sé ~ siar sa rás sinn, he left us far behind in the race.
An ~ dheireanach den rás, the last stretch of the race.
Thug mé rás anonn, I took a run over.
Thairg sé rás a rith liom, he offered to run a race with me.
Capall a tharraingt siar as rás, to scratch a horse from a race.
Thógamar an rás, we won the race.
Tá siad chun tosaigh orainn sa rás, they are ahead of us in the race.
~ oibre, comhrá, rása, start of work, of conversation, of race.