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milleán, m. (gs. -áin).Blame, censure; responsibility for failure or misdeed. ~ ruda a bheith ort, to be to blame for sth. An ~ a chur ar dhuine, to lay the blame on s.o. Ná cuir a mhilleán ormsa, don’t blame me for it. Bhí sé ag iarraidh an ~ a chur uaidh féin, he was trying to shift the blame from himself.
Ná ~ an milleán ormsa, don’t throw the blame on me.
D’fhág siad an milleán air, they laid the blame on him.
~ sé an milleán orm, he laid the blame on me.
~ ó mhilleán, exoneration from blame.
Tiocfaidh sé chun milleáin dó, it will bring blame on him.
Ormsa a chuaigh an milleán, the blame was put on me.
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