milseán1, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). 1. Sweet; sweetmeat, bon-bon. ~ miontais, peppermint sweet. S.a. díol21. 2 = milseog.
milseán2, ~ach = meilsceánach1.
Tá ~ air leis na milseáin, he is excessively fond of sweets.
Tá sé ~ ar na milseáin, he is fond of sweets; he wants to keep all the sweets for himself.
Tá ~ milseán, tobac, air, he is craving for sweets, for tobacco.
Ag ~ meala is ag ceannach milseán, [’selling honey to buy sweets’, carrying coals to Newcastle.
~ úll, milseán, bláth, féir, handful of apples, of sweets, of flowers, of grass.
Tá na páistí ag ~ le chéile faoi na milseáin, the children are acting jealously towards each other over the sweets.
Tá ~ aige do na milseáin, he loves sweets.
~ milseán, ‘poke’, bag, of sweets.
Tá cead raide acu ar na milseáin, they may take all the sweets they like.
~ sí na milseáin orthu, she shared out the sweets among them.
Tá ~ acu ar na milseáin, they are having a great time eating sweets.
1. ~ bréagán, milseán, toy-, sweet-, shop.
Ag súrac méar, milseán, sucking fingers, sweets.
Cuir ~ na milseáin, pass round the sweets.