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inis1, f. (gs. inse, pl. insí). 1. Island. 2 = inse2. (Var: gs. ~e)
inis2, v.t. (pres. insíonn, vn. insint, pp. inste).Tell. 1. Relate. Scéal a insint, to tell a story. D’~ sé a chuid eachtraí dúinn, he related his adventures to us. Tá scéal le hinsint aige, he has a story to tell, wonders to relate. Ós á insint duit é, while I am on the subject. ~ leat, continue with your story. 2. Utter. An fhírinne a insint, to tell the truth. D’~ tú bréag dom, you told me a lie. Níor ~ mé a athrach, I said nothing to the contrary. 3. Make known. An scéala a insint, to tell the news. D’~ sé a thrioblóid dom, he told me what his trouble was. D’~ sé a pheacaí, he confessed his sins. ~ dó faoin taisme, tell him about the accident. Níor ~ tú dom cá raibh tú, you didn’t tell me where you were. Ná h~ don talamh é, don’t say a word about it. 4. Recount, describe. D’~ mé duit an chuma a bhí air, I told you what he looked like. Ní inseofar an ghlóir fhlaithiúnais, heavenly glory can never be described. Inseoidh sin duit cad é ab fhiú é, that will show you how much it was worth. Lit: ~ dúinn ríthe Fódla, recount for us the Kings of Ireland. 5. Inform. D’~ tú orm é, you informed on me about it. Ná h~ orm, don’t tell on me. Tá sibh i gcónaí ag insint ar a chéile, you are forever telling stories about one another. D’~ sé do m’athair mé, he reported me to my father. 6. Rud a thabhairt le hinsint do dhuine, to make s.o. realize sth.; to give s.o. a piece of one’s mind about sth. Thug mise a ghnóthaí le hinsint dó, I set him right about his affairs, told him what I thought of his goings-on. 7. (In phrases) Slán mar a hinstear! Slán mar a n-instear! God save us from the like of it! Dó féin a hinstear é! God preserve us from the misfortune that befell him! (Var: pres. ~eann)
Ní raibh sé sásta faoi rá gur inis mé di é, he was not pleased that I told her.
~ as Inis Eoghain, from Inishowen in the north.
Buailfear thú as é a insint, you will be beaten for telling it.
D’inis sé go h~ é, he told it gleefully, triumphantly.
~ a insint, to tell a lie.
Rud a chasadh ar bior, ar inse, to turn sth. on a spit, on a hinge. (Of wheel)
Ba é do cheart sin a insint dom, you should have told me that.
~ trá a bhreith go hInse, carrying coals to Newcastle.
~ ar insí, hinged door(-leaf).
D’inis mé duit é gan ~ an fhocail a chur ann, I have told it to you exactly as it was spoken.
D’inis sé a chúrsaí dom, he told me of his affairs.
D’inis sé ~, he told everything.
Insint dhíreach, direct speech.
Rud a insint a mhíniú, a mhúineadh, do dhuine, to tell, explain, teach, sth. to s.o.
Inis scéal dúinn, tell us a story.
Rud a insint d’~ bheag agus d’~ mhór, to tell sth. to the world.
Inis, Críocha, Fáil, (the island, territories, of) Ireland.
~ (inste) scéil, storyteller; bringer of news.
D’inis ~ é agus shéan feannóg é, there are contradictory reports about it.
Inis an fhírinne, tell the truth.
2. A fhortún a léamh, a insint, do dhuine, to read, tell, s.o. his fortune.
2. ~ (bhréige) a insint, to tell a whopping lie.
Inis dom is ná can ~, tell me and tell no lie.
D’inis sí i modh rúin é, she told it by way of a secret.
Ar insí, on hinges, hinged.
Insí cnoc, grassy places (along streams, etc.) in hills.
Bíonn dhá ~ ar scéal, there are two ways of telling a story, two sides to an argument.
Níl ach aon ~ amháin ar an scéal sin, the facts of that case are not to be denied.
Malairt d’~, different version.
Chuala mé ~ eile air, I heard another version of it.
Ní hé sin an ~ a thug sé domsa air, that is not how he told it to me.
Beidh ~ scéil air, it will excite wonder, become wondrous in the telling.
Chuaigh sé thar ~ scéil, it became indescribable.
Níl léamh ná scríobh ná ~ béil air, it defies all description.
Fear inste scéil, (i) storyteller, (ii) surviving witness.
~ dhíreach, neamhdhíreach, direct, indirect, speech.
~ chun na hinse, transport to the island.
Níl ~ sna leabhair air; níl ~ ná scríobh (ná insint béil) air, it passes comprehension, defies description.
~ d’inis tú an fhírinne, if you (have) told the truth.
Ní raibh aon scéal ina mhála nár inis sé, he exhausted his repertoire of stories.
D’inis sé scéal ar mhuin scéil, he told story after story.
Ba mhaith an ~ scéil a insint é, he was well able to tell a story.
~ a insint, to tell a story.
Níor tháinig fear inste scéil díobh, none of them survived to tell the tale.
Inis ~ dom, tell me this.
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