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seo, dem. pron. & a. & adv. This. 1. (a)Ól ~, drink this. Inis ~ dom, tell me this. Ní dhéanfaidh ~ cúis, this won’t do. Tá ~ le rá ar a shon, there is this to be said for him. Is doiligh ~ a dhéanamh, it is hard to do this. (b) (With copula understood) ~ an áit, this is the place. ~ do dheoch, this is your drink. ~ mo chuid féin de, this is my own share of it. ~ scéal nua! This is news! (c) (With prep. or prep. clause) Idir ~ agus an Nollaig, between now and Christmas. Ó ~ go Doire, from here to Derry. Tar mar ~, come this way. Déan mar ~ é, do it like this. Go dtí ~, up to now. (d) (With 3 pers. poss. a. & noun) A gclann ~, these people’s children. Ina dhiaidh ~, after this. Os a choinne ~, as against this. S.a. leithéid 2, oiread 2 (f).(e) (With 3 sg. or pl. pers. pron.) Tá sé ~ ag imeacht, this person is leaving. Is é ~ mo pheannsa, this is my pen. An iad ~ do chlannsa? Are these your children? Tá sí ~ le pósadh, this girl is getting married. Más í ~ an iníon is óige aige, if this is his youngest daughter. Cad é ~ a dúirt sé? What is this he said? (f) (With 3 pers. prep. pron.) Tá sé aige ~ ina phóca, this fellow has it in his pocket. Roinn eatarthu ~ é, divide it among these. Faoi ~, by now. Thart faoi ~, hereabouts. Roimhe ~, before this, formerly. Uaidh, as, ~ amach, from now on. (g) (With interr. prons. cé, cad, céard) Cé ~ a rabhamar ag caint leis? Who is this we were talking to? Cé ~ thusa? Who is this you are? Cé ~ isteach? Who is this coming in? Cad, céard, ~ a dúirt sé? What is this he said? (h) (With 3 pl. synthetic form of verb) Shásóidís ~ go mór é, these would please him very much. (i)~ is siúd, this and that. Níl ~ ná siúd aige, he has neither one thing nor the other. Mar ~ nó mar siúd, one way or the other. Ní hé ~ ach é siúd, it is not this but that; to revert to what we were saying. Dar ~ is siúd, by this and that. ~ is siúd orm (go), I swear by this and that (that). 2. (a) (With article and noun) An duine ~, this person. An cailín óg ~, this young girl. An cladach ~ thíos, this shore below. Ar na saolta ~, in these times. I dtrátha an ama ~ inné, about this time yesterday. An diúlach ~ a casadh orainn, this fellow that we met. Na daoine ~ nach mbeannaíonn duit, these (sort of) people who won’t greet you. Na héin ~ a thagann sa gheimhreadh, these (species of) birds that come in the winter. An oíche ~ bhíomar ag teacht ó bhainis, this (particular) night we were coming from a wedding. Cé hé an Cormac ~? Who is this Cormac (who has been mentioned)? (An) gleann ~ na ndeor, this vale of tears. Ar an tsráid ~ Bhéal Átha hAmhnais, on this street of Ballyhaunis. (b) (With voc. case) A bhean ~, my dear woman. A ghiolla ~, my dear fellow. (c) (With interr. adj. cá) Cá hainm ~ é? What is this his name is? (d) (Followed by pron. forms of ag denoting ownership, relationship) An teach ~ agamsa, my house. An baile ~ againne, our town(land). An mhuintir ~ agaibhse, your people. Ní hé Brian ~ acusan atá mé a rá ach Brian ~ againn féin, I am not referring to their Brian but to our own Brian. (e) (In certain time phrases) An bhliain ~ chugainn, next year. An mhí ~ caite, a chuaigh thart, last month. 3. (a) (With chomh and adj.) Chomh hard ~, this high. Chomh holc ~, as bad as this. (b)~ dhuit (é), here, take it. ~ linn, here we go. ~ leat, come on. ~ isteach leat, in you come. ~ ar aghaidh leo, off they go. ~ chuige, let us set to it. ~ chugainn é, here he comes. ~ anois! Come, now! ~, a Choinn! Now, Conn! That will do, Conn! ~~! Now, now!
Ag caint ar an ~ seo, speaking on this subject.
Nach bhfuil leat ~ an leabhar seo? Have you brought nothing but this book?
Níl sé ach ~ gearr as seo, it is only a short distance from here.
Ag seo, sin, here is, there is.
Ag seo mo chomhairle duit, here, this, is my advice to you.
An teach seo againne, our house.
Máire seo acusan, their Mary.
Tabhair d’~ mar seo, face this way.
Bíonn ~ daoine ar an áit seo sa samhradh, people frequent this place in summer.
Coimeád an méid seo i d’~, bear this in mind.
Níl m’~ leis an obair seo, I don’t care for this work.
Má mhaireann an ~ seo, if this (kind of) weather lasts.
Nósanna na haimsire seo, present-day customs.
Tá an obair seo ~ agam, I am unused to this work.
Tá ~ orm leis an obair seo, I am unused to this work.
Tá mé ~ ar na háiteanna, na daoine, seo, I am unfamiliar with these places, people.
Ar ~ tú an ceann seo? Did you count, include, this one?
Níl agam ach an ~ seo, I have only so much.
In ~ na huaire seo, at this juncture.
An t-~ seo inné, this time yesterday.
Faoin ~ seo, by this time.
Seo d’~! Seo an t-~ agat! Now is your chance!
An t-~ seo den bhliain, (at) this time of year.
Ár n-~ ar an saol seo, our span of life here on earth.
Uaidh seo ~, henceforward.
Ón lá seo ~, from this day forward.
Bhí siad fairsing san áit seo (aon) uair ~, they were plentiful in this place formerly.
Ach ~ an ceann seo, except this one.
Tá ~ breá againn ar an dúiche as seo, we have a fine view of the district from here.
An fear seo, this man.
Cé atá agam ~? Cé seo agam ~? Who is it? Who are you?
Seo ~! Come now! Enough of that!
Seo ~ agat é! So that’s how it is!
Dé hA~ seo chugainn, seo a chuaigh thart, next, last, Friday.
An ~ seo, our era.
Ar an mbaile seo, in this town.
Ar an obair seo, at this work.
Ar an aimsir seo, in this weather, these times.
Faoin am seo ~, by this time next year.
As an áit seo, from this place.
I bhfad as seo, far from here.
A ~ seo de chumas, ability such as this.
An ~ seo, on this occasion.
An ~ seo againne, our town(land).
Bhain sé faoi san áit seo nuair a bhí sé tuirseach den siúl, he settled down in this place when he was tired of travelling.
~ an oiread seo uaidh, subtract so much from it.
An oiread seo de bharr air, so much over and above it.
Dé Luain ~ seo a chuaigh thart, only last Monday.
Tar an ~ seo, come this way.
Faoi na beannaid seo, in these quarters.
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