se’ = seo 2(d).
-se, emphatic suff. 1. (Used after poss. adjectives mo, do, a fsg., bhur, with nouns or adjectives ending in slender consonant or slender vowel) Mo chuidse den obair, my share of the work. Bhí airgead ag do mhuintirse, your people had money. Tá a cairdese in aice léi, her friends are near her. Bhur dtailte mínese, your smooth lands. 2. (With 1 sg., 2 sg. & 2 pl. synthetic verb forms ending in slender consonant or slender vowel) Ach táimse go maith, but I am well. Beirse folamh ansin, you will be left with nothing then. Cuirigíse féin tús leis, let you yourselves start it. Mholfainnse duit gan aird a thabhairt orthu, I would recommend that you pay no attention to them. 3. (With 1 sg., 2 sg., 3 fsg. & 2 pl. prep. pronouns ending in slender consonant or slender vowel) Uaimse nó uaitse, from me or from you. Ceann duitse agus ceann dise, one for you and one for her. Níl mé ag caint oraibhse, I am not talking about you people. 4. (With 2 pl. pers. pronoun sibh) Sibhse a dúirt é, it was you who said it.