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scinn, v.i. 1. Start, spring. ~eadh i leataobh, to start aside. ~ an capall, the horse shied. ~ sé nuair a labhair mé leis, he gave a sudden start when I spoke to him. 2. Dart, rush. ~eadh chun siúil, to rush off. ~ siad síos chun na farraige, they dashed down to the sea. ~ an carr tharainn, the car shot past us. 3. Spring, gush, forth. ~ an t-uisce amach, the water gushed out. 4. Fly up, out. ~ drithle as an tine, a spark flew out of the fire. ~ an chos as, the handle flew off it. 5. Glance, bounce, off. ~ an súiste den urlár, the flail bounced off the floor. Bhí na sleánna ag ~eadh dá sciatha, the spears were glancing off their shields. Ag ~eadh thar an uisce, skimming over the water. 6. Escape; depart suddenly. ~ an focal uaim, the word escaped my lips. ~ an t-anam asam, I got the fright of my life. ~ gach maitheas uainn, every good thing vanished from us. Prov:~eann gráinne ón scilligeadh, ‘a grain escapes from the shelling,’ exceptional characters are to be found in all communities. 7. (a)~eadh ó bhreoiteacht, to recover from illness. Is mór a ~ sé, he has improved a lot. (b)Tá sé ag ~eadh amach go breá, he is filling out well, becoming physically much improved.
Scinneadh do thaobh, to dart sideways.
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