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iad, 3 pl. pron. They, them. (Has various grammatical functions but cannot be the subject of an active verb) 1. (a) (Direct object) Chualamar ag caint ~, we heard them talking. Tóg amach as seo ~, take them away out of here. (b) (With autonomous verb) Díoladh go saor ~, they were sold cheaply. (c) (Virtual subject of vn.) ~ a theacht go tobann air, their coming upon him suddenly. (d) (After agus) D’imigh siad agus ~ sásta lena gcuairt, they went away satisfied with their visit. (e) (After certain prepositions) Gan ~, without them. Mar ~, like them. Ach ~, except for them. 2. (a) (Subject of copula with indefinite predicate) Is maith na húlla ~, they are good apples. Fir mhóra (is ea) ~, they are big men. Agus daoine nach ~, and other people besides them. (b) (With collective or abstract noun in predicate) Is breá an fhoireann ~, they are a fine team. Is mór an chontúirt ~, they are a great danger. 3. (Pronoun repeated in definite predication) Is ~ na cnoic is airde sa tír ~, they are the highest hills in the country. Ba ~ an dream ab fhearr léann ~, they were the best-educated body of people. 4. Agus ~, and the others, and such people. Peadar agus ~, Peter and the rest of them. Mairnéalaigh agus ~, seamen and such.
Ba mhaith liom iad a bheith ann, I would like them to be there.
(Of shoes) Thug na cosa ~ iad, the feet moulded them.
Níl ann ~ go bhfeicim iad, I can barely see them.
leanfainn iad, there was a time when I would have followed them.
Ní h~ liom iad, I don’t care for them.
D’~ mé uaim iad, I missed them.
Chuir sé as a n-~ iad, he sent them astray.
B’~ le mo chroí iad, they were my heart’s delight.
An t-~ a chonaic mé iad, the time I saw them.
Cuir ~ iad, put them out.
Is iad is fearr ~ is amach, they are by far the best.
Daoine an-bhreá iad, they are very fine people.
Níl ~ ach iad, (i) they are the only ones, (ii) they are inseparable.
Ní raibh ~ ach nár cailleadh iad, they were very nearly lost.
Ná lig as an tréad iad, don’t let them get away from the herd.
Ligeadh as braighdeanas iad, they were released from captivity.
Moladh iad as a gcineáltas, they were praised for their kindness.
Cuir, ceangail, as a chéile iad, place, tie, them end to end.
Is ~ (iad) lucht aon cheirde, birds of a feather flock together.
~ as a chéile iad, take them apart.
Is ~ an tsuim, de shuim, iad, they are of no consequence.
Is ~ de charthanacht iad, they are very uncharitable.
Is ~ is lú orm ná iad, there is little I like less than them.
Ní lú orm, liom, an diabhal, an sioc, ná iad, I hate them like the devil.
Ní túisce mór le chéile iad ná ~, they are no sooner friendly than unfriendly.
Dhíol mé ar bheagán iad, I sold them cheap.
Iad go léir ~, almost all of them.
Is ionann iad ~, they are almost identical.
Fágadh, cuireadh, ar dhroim an bhealaigh mhóir iad, they were left homeless, driven out on the road.
~im uaim iad, I miss them.
Is úr iad broibh go Nollaig, the dead season really begins at Christmas.
~ amach as an teach iad, beat them out of the house.
Iad a bhuaireamh le drochscéala, to grieve them with bad news.
Cá ndéantar iad? Where are they made?
Cá bhfuair tú iad? Where did you get them?
Cár díoladh iad? Where were they sold?
~ fá ar thréig tú iad? Why did you desert them?
~eadh ar muir iad, they perished at sea.
~eadh ar gcúl, soir siar, iad, they were hurled back, in all directions.
~ amach (as an teach, san abhainn) iad, throw them out (of the house, into the river).
~eadh i dtír iad, they were cast ashore.
~eadh siar iad, they were thrown, forced, back.
Ar chaoi nach mbrisfear iad, in such a away that they will not get broken.
~adh i dtír iad, they were swept ashore.
Ní hiad atá i g~ agam, I am not referring to them.
Is beag de chás iad, it doesn’t matter about them.
Ní ~ orm, liom, iad, they are no concern of mine.
Cé hiad na strainséirí a bhí leat? Who are the strangers you had with you?
Cé hé (hí, hiad) a labhair leat? Who is he (is she, are they) who spoke to you?
Cér leis iad? Whose were they?
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