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Similar words: abhail · abhaill · abail · ardbhaile · athbhaile
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abhaile, adv. Home, homewards. 1. (a)Dul, teacht, ~, to go, to come, home. An bealach ~ , the way home. ~ leat! Go home! (b)Tá sé ag dul, ag tarraingt, ~, he is dying. 2. (Of blow, etc.) Dul ~, to go home, take effect. Chuaigh an buille ~ air, the blow took effect on him. Tairne a chur ~, to drive home a nail. Chuir sé ~ orm é, he persuaded me of it. (Of shoes) Thug na cosa ~ iad, the feet moulded them. 3. Níor tháinig sé ~ leis é a dhéanamh, it is not in his nature to do it. Thug sé ~ leis é, it is natural to him, he inherited it. Tháinig sé ~ uaidh féin, he conformed of his own accord. 4. Ní raibh an teacht ~ ann, he had not the strength to recover. 5. Tá sí ag teacht ~, she is expecting.
Rith sé abhaile in ~, he ran home quickly.
Tá sé ar a bhealach abhaile, he is on the way, coming, home.
~ leat abhaile, get off home.
~ leat abhaile é, coax him to go home with you.
Beimid ag bradú linn abhaile, we will slip away home.
Ba é do bhuaic dul abhaile anois, it would be well for you to go home now.
Bhuail sé abhaile, he went off home.
Tar ~ díreach abhaile, come straight home.
~adh abhaile, to turn homewards.
Duine a chomóradh abhaile, go teach an phobail, chun an stáisiúin, to escort s.o. home, to the church, to the station.
Bhí sé ag cuimhneamh ar dhul abhaile, he was thinking of going home.
~ abhaile iad, send them home.
Chuir siad sna cosa abhaile, they ran off home.
~ buailte, clis, reatha, teacht abhaile, striking, first, running, home, base.
Bhain sé ~ as an gcapall abhaile, he rode the horse hard for home.
Tá sé ag teacht abhaile ar a dhúchas, he is beginning to frequent his former haunts, getting into his old ways.
Táimid ag ~ abhaile leis, we expect him home.
Níl ~ abhaile aige (go, mura), he will never hear the end of it (until, unless).
D’~ siad abhaile, they started for home.
~ abhaile leis, (rise and) go home with him.
~aimis seo isteach, abhaile, let us go in, home, out of here.
~ ort abhaile, hurry off home.
~eadh abhaile, ó thuras, to return home., from a journey.
A bh~ abhaile, their return home.
Níl ~ abhaile air inniu, he is not disposed to go home today.
Ag ~áil abhaile, chun na hoifige, ar turas, go hÁrainn, thar sáile, going home, to the office, on a journey, to Aran, overseas.
Thugamar ~ abhaile, we took a run home.
Chuir siad abhaile ina ghealt é, they sent him rushing home in his bare pelt.
Bhí siad ~ uaim abhaile, they had cleared off home and left me.
Ghread sé leis abhaile, he made off home as fast as he could.
An ghrian a thabhairt abhaile leat, to get home before sundown.
Cuir abhaile an ~, return what you borrowed.
Níl ~ ar bith ar a theacht abhaile, there is no word of his coming home.
Ag ionsaí abhaile, making for home; coming near home.
~ earraí a cheannach, a thabhairt abhaile, to buy, to bring home, a large supply of goods.
3. Bhí siad ag ~úint air dul abhaile, they were urging him to go home.
Duine a ~ean abhaile, a chodladh, to let s.o. go home, to sleep.
Nach tú a thug an ~ bó abhaile leat? What a scurvy cow you brought home?
~ a thabhairt abhaile, to take a run home.
~ abhaile, to run home.
~ sí na páistí abhaile, she let the children go off home.
~ abhaile, safe home.
Ar mo shlí abhaile dom, on my way home.
Shraon sé leis abhaile, he plodded on home.
~ leat abhaile, to make tracks for home.
Tá ~ abhaile leis, he is expected home.
~ abhaile iad, take them home.
~ leat abhaile é, take it home with you.
Thugamar an lá linn abhaile, we got home by daylight.
Teacht abhaile, to come home.
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