iomrá, m. (gs. ~). 1. Rumour, report; mention, discussion; repute. Tá ~ leis, it is being reported, talked about. ~ a chur le rud, to have a report spread about sth. Chuaigh ~ amach air (go), it was rumoured of him (that). Chuala mé ~ air, I heard a rumour of it; I heard talk of it. Tá an t-~ go bhfuil sé marbh, it is reported that he is dead. An bhfuil ~ aige ar phósadh? Has he any word of getting married? Tá an t-~ sin ann, there is such a rumour. Níl ~ ar bith ar a theacht abhaile, there is no word of his coming home. Bheith faoi ~, to be talked about, in the news. Tá ~ mór leo, they are much talked about; they are in great repute. Bhí ~ an airgid orthu, they were reputed to have money. Níl lá ~ ar na himeachtaí sin anois, those events are now quite forgotten. Duine gan ~, little-known, obscure, person. Tagann gach aon rud lena ~ (ach an madra rua is an marbhán), talk of the devil and he will appear. 2. Lit: Deliberation, consideration; thought, intention. (Var: ~dhadh m, gs. ~idhte)
Is fada ~ a mhair a n-iomrá, they were talked about for a very long time.
Chuala mé iomrá orthu, I heard of them, heard them mentioned.
Ní chluinfeadh sé iomrá air, he wouldn’t hear of it.
Iomrá agus ~, report and discussion.
Níl ~ iomrá aige air, (i) he never mentions it, (ii) he has no notion of doing it.
Tá sin ag luí lena iomrá, that is in keeping with his reputation.