iomlua, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of iomluaigh. 2. Movement, activity; agitation, disturbance; exercise, performance. ~ coirp, movement of body. ~ géag, exercise of limbs. ~ bratach, fluttering of flags. ~ arm, plying of weapons. ~ each, driving, exercising, of horses. ~ meanman, agitation of mind. ~ an diabhail, incitement by the devil. ~ a fhlaithis, the exercise of his sovereignty. Ar ~ thar na tonnta, riding the waves. Ghabh an chríne m’~, old age left me inactive. 3. Mention, discussion; advancement, proposal. Rinneadh ~ síthe eatarthu, peace was proposed between them. Rinneadh ~ an scéil, the story was spread abroad, reported. Iomrá agus ~, report and discussion.