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Similar words: iompó · iomú · diomú · giomp · imp
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iompú could be a grammatical form of: iompaigh »
iompú, m. (gs. -paithe, pl. -puithe). 1. vn. of iompaigh. 2. Turning, turn. (a) ~ cinn, boise, turn of head, of hand. Ar ~, le h~, do bhoise, in a trice. Ar ~ na n-each, at the turn of events. ~ na taoide, the turn of the tide. ~ gaoithe, change in direction of wind. ~ báid, overturning of boat. ~ goile, stomach upset. Chuir sé ~ ar mo ghoile, it turned my stomach. ~ lí, change of colour. ~ (chun) bisigh, a turn for the better. ~ na bpeacach, the conversion of sinners. ~ duine (ina chreidmheach, ina dhíchreidmheach), the conversion, the lapsing, of s.o. (to belief, into disbelief). ~ a bhaint as rud, to turn sth.; to overturn sth. ~ a bhaint as duine (in iomrascáil), to swing s.o. round (in wrestling bout). Bhain an cheist sin ~ asam, that question shook me. (b) Phot: Reversion. (c) Surg: ~ amach, eversion. 3. Agr: Lazy-bed.
Ar iompú boise, in the turn of a hand, suddenly.
Ag iompú agus ag barriompú, turning back and forth.
Ar iompú boise, instantly.
Iompú ~, to turn left.
Do chóta a iompú, to turn one’s coat; to become a turncoat.
Tá gach aon chúig iompaithe aige, he has tried every stratagem.
Casadh, iompú, ~, ar ~, to turn right.
Iompú, taom, ~, stomach upset.
Iompú, filleadh, ~, sudden turn.
Ag iompú in ~ ruda, turning against sth.
1. Iompú thart, ar clé, ó dheas, ar ais, isteach sa pháirc, to turn round, left, south, back, into the field.
Do cheann a iompú, to turn one’s head.
Roth ag iompú, a wheel turning.
Ball éadaigh a iompú amach, to turn a garment inside out.
Fód, cárta, a iompú, to turn (up) a sod, a card.
Soitheach a iompú béal faoi, to turn a vessel upside down.
Fearg a iompú, to avert anger.
An donas seo nach furasta a iompú, this misfortune that is not easily averted.
Iompú ó aistear, ó chontúirt, to turn back from a journey, from danger.
Turas gan iompú, a journey from which there is no return.
Iompú dubh, bán, to turn black, white.
Iompú ar dhuine, to turn towards s.o.; to turn on s.o.
Tá siad ag iompú ar an ól, they are turning to drink.
Dá mb’fhéidir iad a iompú chun creidimh, if they could be made to turn to religion.
Tá sé ag iompú (amach) ina rógaire, he is turning out to be a rogue.
Tá siad ag iompú inár gcoinne, they are turning against us.
Tá an fheoil, an bainne, iompaithe, the meat, the milk, has turned.
Bhí an ~ iompaithe ina cheann le codladh, the eyes were turning in his head with sleep.
Ag iompú ~, turning round.
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