cás1, m. (gs. cáis, pl. ~anna). 1. Case. (a) Instance, circumstances, state of affairs. I g~ mar seo, in a case like this. I g~ go, nach, mbeimis ann, in case we should, should not, be there. ~ ar leith, a special case. Sa chéad chás, in the first instance. Sa chás céanna, in like circumstances. Is é an ~ céanna é, it comes to the same thing. I mo chás féin, in my own case. I do chás-sa (de), in your case, as far as you are concerned. Sa chás sin (de), in that case, if that be the case. Is é an ~ é (go), the fact of the matter is (that). Cuir(eam) i g~ (go), (let us) suppose (that). An costas beatha, cuir i g~, take the cost of living, for instance. Déan do chás féin de, suppose it were your own case. Ní hiad atá i g~ agam, I am not referring to them. Is ionann an ~ duit é, it is all the same for you. Is bocht an ~ é, it is a sad case. Tuigim do chás, I understand your case, recognize your difficulty. Is trua liom do chás, I am sorry about your trouble. An té nach ngoilleann do chás air ná déan do ghearán leis, do not bring your complaints where they are not wanted. (b) Med: ~ dochtúra, ospidéil, a case for a doctor, for hospital treatment. ~ fiabhrais, eitinne, fever, tuberculosis, case. (c) Jur: ~ dlí, cúirte, coiteann, law, court, common, case. ~ dlí a thabhairt ar dhuine, to take legal proceedings against s.o. ~ an Stáit, the case for the State. Is é an ~ atá aige go, it is his submission that. 2. Concern; matter for concern. Bheith i g~ faoi rud, to be concerned about sth. Níl ~ acu ionainn, they are not concerned about us. Níor chás é (dá, ach go), it wouldn’t matter (if, except that). Is beag de chás iad, it doesn’t matter about them. Dá mbeadh an tsláinte agam ba lúide (de) chás é, it wouldn’t matter so much if I were in good health. An té is ~ orainn, linn, the person we are concerned about. Ní ~ orm, liom, iad, they are no concern of mine. Níor chás duit braon tae a thabhairt dó, it would be no harm for you to give him a drop of tea. Ní ~ duit! Well you may! Níl ~ ná náire air, he is quite unashamed. I g~ idir dhá chomhairle, in a state of perplexity. Mo chás! Alas! S.a. galar 2. (Var: gpl. ~)
cás2, m. (gs. cáis, pl. ~anna). 1. (Of box, etc.) Case. ~ adhmaid, gloine, wooden, glass, case. ~ earraí, case of goods. ~ seod, veidhlín, uaireadóra, jewel-, violin-, watch-, case. Typ: ~ mór, beag, upper, lower, case. S.a. scian1 1 (a). 2. Frame. ~ pictiúir, fuinneoige, picture, window, frame. 3. Cage. (Var: ~a m)
cás3, m. (gs. cáis). Honour, reverence.
cás4 = cásaigh1.
Níl sé ~ ag rá nár thuig sé an cás, he is only saying that he didn’t understand the case.
Cás a ~t le duine, to plead a case with s.o.
Scéal, cás, ~, unusual story, case.
Tá mé in ~ chás leat, I am in like case with you.
Is ~ liom do chás, I’m sorry for your trouble.
Cás a bhreathnú, to look into, consider, a case.
~ a dhéanamh ar chás, to consider a case.
~ a thabhairt ar chás, to decide a case.
Cás a chur faoi bhreith duine, to submit a case to s.o. for determination.
Cás a bhreithniú, to adjudicate upon a case.
Cás, scéala, ~, sad case, tidings.
Cár chás dá mbeadh ciall aige? What matter if he had sense?
Má chaillim an cás, if I lose the case.
Is ~ an beart, an cás, é, it is a sordid act, a sorry case.
~eadh an cás, the case was dismissed.
Cér chás é (ach)? What matter (but)?
char, charbh) Char chás sin (ach), that wouldn’t matter (but).
Níl ~ cás ná cathú air, he hasn’t a care in the world.
Is ~ an cás é, it is a sorry case.
Alt, cás, a choimriú, to summarize an article, sum up a case.
~ ar arán, ar cháis, blue mould on bread, on cheese.
Ní ~ do chás le mo chás-sa, your case is not comparable to mine.
Cás a chosaint, to defend a case.
Acastóir, bacán, cás, pionna, cromáin, crank-axle, -arm, -case, -pin.
Chruaigh an cás orainn, our position became (more) difficult.
Cás, uacht, an fhírinne, a chruthú, to prove a case, a will, the truth.
I gcúrsaí an cháis, in the circumstances (of the case).
Bhí a oiread againn, ~ linn, agus a riarfadh ár gcás, we had enough, we thought, to provide for us in the circumstances.
~ ar mo chás-sa, take my case as an example.
Dá mbeadh ~ agat ar mo chás, if you were able to see, sympathize with, my case.
Ba cheart duit an cás a dheimhniú ar dtús, you should verify, make sure of, the case first.
Tá ~ mo cháis agam, I have enough to serve my purpose.
Cás, cúis, ~, action at law.
Cás a dhíbhe gan ~, to dismiss a case without prejudice.
An cás a chur chun an donais ar dhuine, to make matters worse for s.o.
Is ionann an cás an t-~ is an bás, it is six of one and half a dozen of the other.
Ná h~ do chás, don’t bemoan your case.
Cás a ~eacht, to hear a case.
Cás a fhéachaint, to look into a case.
Cuir i gcás ~ (go), even supposing (that).
Cás gan ~, unsolved case.
Bhí sé i n~ na gcás, he was in a quandary.
Cáis a ghéarú, to sharpen cheese.
An té nach trua leis do chás ná déan do ghearán leis, do not look for sympathy where there is none.
Cás, doras, ~, glass case, door.