cosain, v.t. & i. (pres. -snaíonn, vn. ~t, pp. -anta). 1. Defend, protect (ar, ó, against). Duine a chosaint ar rud, to defend s.o. against sth. Sinn a chosaint ó bhaol, ar olc, to protect us from harm, from evil. An leanbh a chosaint ar an tine, to protect the child from the fire. ~ thú féin air, guard yourself against him. Buille a chosaint, to ward off a blow. An tír a chosaint, to defend the country. Do chlú a chosaint, to defend one’s reputation. Cás a chosaint, to defend a case. Báire a chosaint, to keep goal; to save a goal. An bheirt a chosaint ar a chéile, to keep the two from fighting each other. 2. Earn, merit. Ríocht Dé a chosaint, to earn the kingdom of God. An t-airgead a chosain sé go daor, the money he earned dearly. Tá céad punt cosanta aige, there is a hundred pounds coming to him. Tá sé cosanta aige, he has earned, deserves, it. 3. Cost. An méid a chosain an teach dom, orm, what the house cost me. Chosain siad scilling an ceann, they cost a shilling each.
Nuair nach raibh sé in ~ a chosanta, when he was not in a position to defend himself.
Cosain, díon, ar, protect, secure, against.
Fágadh cosaint an ~a orm, I was left to hold the fort.
Fuair sé ~ a raibh cosanta aige, he was given the amount he had earned.
~ cruach, cosanta, deataigh, gréine, steel, crash-, smoke-, sun-, helmet.
~ cirt, cúise, duine, tíre, anama, defence of right, of cause, of person, of country, of life.
~ airm a chur ar áit, to put an armed guard on a place.
Arm cosanta, defence force.
Claí cosanta, protecting fence.
Cuireata agus ~, knave and saver.
~ cosanta, seasta, taca, pillar, champion.
~ chosanta, chief defender, champion.
~ cosanta, ~ daortha, defence to fall back on, mainstay.
~ an chúisimh, na cosanta, witness for prosecution, for defence.
Ghabhamar ionad cosanta, we took up a defensive position.
Cosaint na gráinneoige, hedgehog defence.
~ chosanta a chine, the protecting hand of his race.
~ chosanta, line of defence.
~ cosanta, protective mask.
Oibreacha cosanta, defensive works.
Is é cosaint na ~e a chruachas na puint, take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
~ chosanta, protective shield.
Tá sé ina ~ chosanta aici, he shields her (from all censure).
~ (chosanta) ar inneall leictreachais, shield on electric machine.
~ ceangail, cosanta, binding-, rubbing-, strake.
Chuir siad iad féin i d~ chosanta, they prepared to defend themselves.