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Similar words: coscán · cosnán · crosán · osán · casún
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cosán, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). Path. 1. Footway, track. ~ caorach, coiníní, cairte, sheep-, rabbit-, cart-, track. ~ sráide, side-walk. ~ cúil, by-path. ~ sléibhe, mountain track. ~ daite, dearg, beaten track. S.a. cis12, cor11 (a), cuireadh11, dris 1, easair11. 2. Way, passage. Do chosán a dhéanamh, to make one’s way. Bheith i g~, sa chosán ag, duine, to be in s.o.’s way. Amach as mo chosán leat, get out of my way. As ~, out of the way; wrong. 3. Direction. Tar an ~ seo, come this way. Ní raibh mé riamh an ~ sin, I never went that way. Tháinig siad isteach ~ na trá, they came in by the strand.
As bealach, bóthar, cosán, slí, out of the way, in error.
Cosán a bhualadh, to beat a path.
Cosán, clós, ~, blind path, alley.
Cosán ~, narrow path.
Tá an teach seo ina chis chosáin acu, they all flock into this house.
Cosán ~, bumpy path.
Cosán ~e trí choill, pathway through a wood.
~ faoi chosán a chur ar dhuine, to put s.o. on the wrong track.
Cosán ~, rugged path.
Talamh, cosán, ~, rugged ground, path.
Cosán ~, steep path.
~ cosáin, casual invitation.
Dhall siad na cosáin, they camouflaged the paths.
Cosán ~, beaten track.
~ chosáin, wayside bramble; annoying obstruction.
~ chosáin, trampled corn; trampled matter.
~ chosáin a dhéanamh de rud, to trample down sth.
Cosán ~ta, overgrown path.
~ a chur ar chosán, to gravel a path.
Ó tháinig do ghar i mo chosán, since I am in a position to be of service to you.
Cosán ~, rough path.
Fan ~ as cosán na gcarranna, keep in from the path of the cars.
Urlár, cosán, ~, paved floor, path.
Cosán ~te, paved path.
Féar, ithir, cosán, a ~, to rake hay, soil, a path.
~ síos an cosán, walk down the path.
Tabharfaidh an cosán sin go ceann na trá sibh, that path will bring you to the head of the strand.
Cosán ~, solid path.
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