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siúil could be a grammatical form of: siúl »
siúil1, v.t. & i. (pres. -úlann, vn. -úl, pp. -últa).Walk. 1. Be able to walk. Tá an leanbh ag siúl, the child is walking. 2. Come or go on foot. (a)Ag siúl timpeall, anonn is anall, amach is isteach, walking about, to and fro, in and out. ~ síos an cosán, walk down the path. (b)Ag siúl ina gcodladh, walking in their sleep. (c)Shiúil siad isteach gan chuireadh, they walked in uninvited. Shiúil sé amach as an gcruinniú, he walked out of the meeting. 3. Move about for exercise or pleasure. Amuigh ag siúl, out walking. Ba mhaith liom siúl amach Dé Domhnaigh, I’d like to walk out on Sunday. 4. Step on, into; tread. Ná ~ san uisce, don’t walk in the water. Níor shiúil sé an talamh fear ab fhearr ná é, a better man never walked the earth. 5. Proceed to, visit. Shiúlamar na tithe, we went from house to house, visited each house in turn. 6. Pace, measure. Shiúil siad an fheirm, they stepped the farm. 7. Travel. Ag siúl de chois, journeying on foot. Ag siúl na tíre, travelling the country. Shiúil mé an sliabh, I traversed the mountain. Tá an domhan siúlta aige, he has travelled the world, widely. 8. Move, flow. An áit nach siúlann an t-uisce, where the water doesn’t flow freely. 9. Conduct oneself. Ag siúl go díreach, go cneasta, walking straight, honestly. 10. (With ar)(a) Walk, tread, on. Ag siúl ar na plandaí, walking on, trampling, the plants. (b) Move, creep, over. Tá mílí an bháis ag siúl ar a chraiceann, the pallor of death is creeping over his skin. Shiúil an roth orm, the wheel passed over me. (c) Go over, examine, retouch. Ba cheart duit siúl ar na hiomairí sin arís, you should go over those ridges again. (d) Come the way of. Níor shiúil pingin de orm, not a penny of it came my way. (e) Affect in turn. Shiúil an slaghdán orthu, they caught the cold one by one. (f) Go by. Siúl ar an bhfírinne, to abide by the truth. (g)Med: Move. Shiúil an phurgóid air, the purgative caused a movement of his bowels. 11. (With le)(a) Accompany, characterize. Siúl le duine, to walk with s.o. Tá an mí-ádh ag siúl leis, he is dogged by ill luck. Tá sin ag siúl leis an aicíd, that is a feature of the disease. Bhí an bród ag siúl leo, they were inclined to be proud. (b) Swarm with. Bhí an t-urlár ag siúl le ciaróga, the floor was swarming with beetles. 12. (With certain prep. prons. used reflexively) Shiúil sé leis, he walked on, went his way. ~ leat (linn), come along (with us). Bhí sé ag siúl roimhe, he was walking along. ~ uait! Step out!
siúil2, var. gs. of seol3.
siúil3 :siúl.
~ éirí, siúl, able to rise, walk.
~ oibre, siúil, strength, capacity, for work, for walking.
Tá an t-~ ag siúl leis, he is always in luck.
Iompar, siúl, glór, duine a ~t, to recognize s.o. by his carriage, walk, voice.
Coiscéim, siúl, ~, lumbering step, walk.
~ oibre, siúil, strain of work, of travel.
Nach moch an siúl atá orthu? Aren’t they early afoot?
Siúil, rith, sleamhnaigh, ar, walk, run, slide, on.
D’~ sé leis, chun siúil, í, he carried her off; he eloped with her.
Bhí sé ag siúl as féin, he was walking alone.
An siúl a bhaint den bhád, to reduce the speed of the boat.
Bhain sé faoi san áit seo nuair a bhí sé tuirseach den siúl, he settled down in this place when he was tired of travelling.
Bhí sé ag siúl ar bharra a chos, he was walking on tiptoe.
Ag siúl ar bharraicíní na gcos, walking on tiptoe.
~ siúil, walking stick.
Siúl ~, slow speed, walk; short walk.
Ag siúl an bhealaigh, walking the road.
~ siúil, travelling woman.
Siúil go ~, walk smartly.
Tá sé céad slat as seo, míle ón trá, siúl uaire chun na páirce, it is a hundred yards from here, a mile from the strand, an hour’s walk to the park.
Ag ~adh chun siúil, making a move to go.
~ bóthair, siúil, travelling friar.
Siúl ~ fada, good long walk.
Tháinig ~ siúil, coisíochta, dó, he increased his speed, quickened his pace.
~ mo shiúil, the purpose of my journey.
Bhrostaigh siad chun siúil, they hurried away.
Tá ~ siúil faoi, he is travelling at a furious pace.
D’imigh sé agus ~ siúil faoi, he sped away.
Ag siúl, ag obair, sa cháidheadas, walking, working, in filth.
Ag siúl go ~, walking with head in the air.
Ag siúl le chéile, lena chéile, walking together; courting.
An bhfuil aon cheo ar siúl? Is there anything on, afoot?
Siúl, labhairt, go ~, to walk, speak, softly.
Rud a choimeád ar siúl, to keep sth. going.
Siúl i g~ an chnoic, to walk against, up, the hill.
Siúl a chosc, to stop, obstruct, travel.
Ba dheas an choiscéim siúil a bhí aici, léi, she stepped it out nicely.
~ shiúil, éalaithe, theite, path of travel, of escape, of retreat.
Tá ~ siúil orthu, they are in a mad hurry.
Siúl ~, unsteady walk.
Siúl de chois, to travel on foot.
Siúl ar, de, chosa tirime, to walk dry-footed.
~ ar siúl, gadabout.
Ag siúl lena chois, walking along with him.
~ seoil, siúil, bedstead.
Chroch an sruth chun siúil é, the current carried it away.
Ag siúl le ~í, (walking) on crutches.
Ag siúl go ~, walking with a slouch.
Níl mé sa chruth (is) go ndéanfainn an siúl, I am not in a fit condition for the journey.
Shiúil sé an domhan ar a chúinní, he travelled all the corners of the earth.
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