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aithin1, v.t. (pres. -thníonn; vn. ~t f, gs. & pp. -theanta). 1. Know, recognize, identify. Duine, áit, ball, a ~t, to recognize a person, a place, an object. Iompar, siúl, glór, duine a ~t, to recognize s.o. by his carriage, walk, voice. Duine a ~t ar dhuine eile, as duine eile, to recognize s.o. by his resemblance to s.o. else. Aithním lorg a láimhe, I know his handwriting. Aithním gur múinteoir, gur Éireannach, é, I know him for a teacher, an Irishman. Aithním ar na daoine é, I know whom he resembles. D’aithneoinn a chraiceann ar tom, ar crann, I’d know him anywhere. 2. Acknowledge. Anois ní aithníonn sé na comharsana, now he doesn’t know his neighbours. Ní aithníonn fear an tsaibhris leath a ghaolta, the rich man does not acknowledge acquaintance with half his relatives. 3. Distinguish. Rud a ~t ó, thar, rud eile, to distinguish between one thing and another. ~t idir an dubh agus an bán, idir an mhaith agus an t-olc, to know black from white, right from wrong. Ní aithním na litreacha, na dathanna, I cannot discern the letters, the colours. Ní aithním eatarthu, I cannot distinguish between them. An clog a ~t, to be able to read the clock. Ní aithním an t-am, I cannot make out the time. 4. Perceive. D’~ sé go raibh fearg orm, he perceived I was angry. D’~ mé air go raibh sé tuirseach, I saw by him that he was tired. Níl sé le haithint air, he doesn’t show it. Is furasta a aithint (go), it is easy to see (that). D’~ mé (go raibh) an slaghdán ag teacht orm, I realized that I was getting a cold. Aithním i mo chnámha é, I feel it in my bones. Aithneoidh tú agat an béile, an buille, sin, you will feel the benefit of that meal, the effect of that blow. Níor ~ sé aige é, it had no effect on him; it was inadequate for his needs.
aithin2, v.t. (pres. -thníonn; vn. ~t f, gs. ~te, pp. -theanta). 1. Bid, command. ~t ar, de, dhuine rud a dhéanamh, to bid s.o. to do sth. 2. Lit: Commit, commend (do, to).
D’aithin mé cé a bhí agam, I recognized who was in my presence.
D’aithin mé é chomh luath ~ a chonaic mé é, I recognized him as soon as I saw him.
D’aithin mé a chaint, I recognized his speech, voice.
D’aithin mé ar a choiscéim é, I recognized him by his walk.
D’aithin mé ar do dhealramh é, I recognised him by his resemblance to you.
Ní raibh duine ar an bh~ sin nár aithin é, he was recognized by everybody all along that line.
D’aithin mé do ghlór, I recognized your voice.
D’aithne, d’aigne, a ~ean chuig duine, to reveal one’s identity, one’s mind, to s.o.
D’ainm, d’aithne, a ~ean le duine, to reveal one’s name, identity, to s.o.
D’aithin mé ón scaoll a bhí fúthu (go), I recognized from the panic they were in (that).
D’aithin mé do shiúl, I recognized you by your walk.
D’aithin mé ar an ~ é, I recognized him at once.
D’aithin mé a ~, I recognized his speech.
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