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Ar ~ na huaire, on the spur of the moment; within a second.
Faoi ~ de, within an ace of.
Ar amharc, ar éisteacht, within sight, hearing.
Táimid ag ~ an bháire, we are within reach of the goal.
Tá siad istigh, amuigh, thíos, thuas, trína chéile, they are within, without, below, above, mixed up.
Chuala mé an chantaireacht istigh, I heard a chorus of voices within.
Faoi chaolach an tí, under the roof of, within, the house.
Anam i g~ an choirp, a soul imprisoned within the body.
Is deacair ~ a chur ar bhó bhradach, it is hard to keep a thieving cow within bounds, to check a rogue.
Laistigh de chleitheanna an tí, within the confines of the house.
A chroí ina chliabh, his heart within him.
I gcompar a chléibh, within his breast.
Chuaigh sé faoi pholl ~ de, he went within an ace of it.
I g~ na heangaí, within the sweep of the net.
Tá ~ na farraige acu, they are within easy reach of the sea.
Dhéanfadh sé rud ~ ar bith duit, he would do anything within reason for you.
Le ~ na ndaoine, within living memory.
Idir cheithre cúinní an tí, within the four corners of the house.
Tá sé os cionn a chumais, he is living within his means.
Dá mbeadh sé ar mo chur isteach, if it were within my province.
I n~ mo chléibh, deep-seated in, secure within, my breast.
Faoi mhíle den chathair, within a mile of the city.
In Éirinn na gceithre mbeann, within the four corners of Ireland.
I m’~, in ~ mo chluas, in my hearing, within earshot of me.
Ar, as, m’~, within, beyond, the range of my hearing.
Bhí sé faoi fhad scairte dúinn, he was within shouting distance of us.
Níl sé ~ bhallaí an tí, it is not within the walls of the house, it is nowhere in the house.
~ aon de, within an ace of.
~ orlach de, within an inch of.
I bh~ míle dúinn, within a mile of us.
I bh~ míle, urchair mhéaróige, (go) mbeannaí Dia, de, within a mile, a stone’s throw, hailing distance, of.
Faoi fhraitheacha an tí, within the house.
Ar ~ an tí, within the (confines of the) house.
~eadh de réir na mine, to live within one’s means.
I n~ míle, cainte, dom, within a mile, speaking distance, of me.
I n~ ribe do bheith leagtha ag carr, within a hair’s breadth of being knocked down by a car.
I n~ míle dúinn, within a mile of us.
Faoi ghiota den teach, within a short distance of the house.
Faoi ~ an tí, na háite, within the four walls of the house, the confines of the place.
Bhí sé faoi m’~, it was within my reach but I couldn’t find it.
Má tá gnó ~ agat, if you have business within.
Tá fear an tí ~, the man of the house is within, is at home.
An fear ~, the man within.
Taobh ~ de, within.
Taobh ~ d’achar áirithe, within a certain time.
Tá sé ~, he is within (the house, the room).
~ de mhí, within a month.
Faoi ~ na téide, within reach of the rope.
Tháinig sé faoi mo ~, he came within my range of vision.
Má thagann sé i mo ~, if he comes within my reach.
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