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comhlíon1, m. (gs. -ín). Equal number. Ar ~ le, as numerous as.
comhlíon2, v.t. Fulfil. 1. Perform, observe. Gealltanas, dualgas, a chomhlíonadh, to carry out a promise, an obligation. Coinníoll, ordú, a chomhlíonadh, to comply with a condition, an order. Aitheanta, rialacha, a chomhlíonadh, to keep commandments, rules. Breithiúnas aithrí a chomhlíonadh, to perform a penance. Jur: Breithiúnas a chomhlíonadh, to execute judgment. 2. Complete. Chomhlíon sé an bhliain, he lasted out the year. Nuair a bhí an aimsir ~ta, when the time was completed. 3. Satisfy. ~faidh mé leat é, I’ll make it up to you, do as much for you.
Breithiúnas ~ a dhéanamh, a chomhlíonadh, to perform (imposed) penance.
~ na drochaimsire, (good weather in) compensation for bad weather.
Na ~a a chomhlíonadh, to observe the rites, the formalities.
Do dhualgas a dhéanamh, a chomhlíonadh, to do, fulfil, one’s duty.
~ a chomhlíonadh, a bhriseadh, to keep, to break, a promise.
Ná ~ uait briathar gan chomhlíonadh, don’t utter a word that you do not mean to keep.
~ dualgais, non-fulfilment of obligation.
~ ordaithe, non-compliance with order.
~ dlí, non-observance of law.
D’ ~í a chomhlíonadh, to fulfil one’s obligations.
Dualgas a chomhlíonadh go ~, to be scrupulous in fulfilling an obligation.
Thug tú gealltanas gan chomhlíonadh leis, you gave a promise with it that you did not fulfil.
Tháinig tú as do ghealltanas a chomhlíonadh, you got out of keeping your promise.
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