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comhluadar, m. (gs. -air).1. (Social) company. Bheith i g~ duine, to be in s.o.’s company, along with s.o. ~ a dhéanamh le daoine, to associate, mix, with people. Choinnigh sé ~ linn i rith na hoíche, he kept us company during the night. Duine den chomhluadar, one of the company, of the party. Seachain a chomhluadar, avoid his company. D’imigh an ~, the company departed. 2. Family, household. An bhfuil an ~ ar fad go maith? Are all the family well?
~ comhluadair, cumainn, associative, community, complex.
~ i gcomhluadar, forward in company.
Tá sé ~ i gcomhluadar, he is stand-offish in company.
~ duine i gcomhluadar, person’s behaviour in company.
~ isteach sa chomhluadar é, let him join the company.
Comhluadar, pósadh, ~tha, mixed company, marriage.
Níl do chomhluadar uainn, we don’t want your company.
Teacht i gcomhluadar, to enter company.
Dul i gcomhluadar, to enter company.
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