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Similar words: brá · are · bare · beár · bra
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breá1, s. Lovely thing; beauty. Ní dhéanann ~ brachán, beauty will not boil the pot. ~ ~ don leanbh, a nice toy for the baby. Chuir sí a ~ ~ uirthi, she put on her finery, trinkets.
breá2, a. (gsm. ~, gsf., npl. & comp. ~tha). Fine, excellent. 1. (Of condition, quality) Aimsir bhreá, fine weather. Lá ~ gréine, fine sunny day. Áit bhreá chónaithe, fine place to live. Obair bhreá, excellent work. Béile ~, excellent meal. Culaith bhreá éadaigh, good suit of clothes. Is ~ an t-ainm é, it is a fine name. Is ~ an saol atá acu, they have a grand life. Is ~ an rud an tsláinte a bheith ag duine, it is good to have one’s health. Tá mé go ~ inniu, I feel fine today. S.a. brian. 2. (Of extent, value) Réimse ~ talaimh, fine, large, tract of land. Cruach bhreá choirce, fine stack of oats. Suim bhreá airgid, good sum of money. 3. (Of appearance, manner) Bean bhreá, fine, beautiful, woman. Fear ~ ina chosúlacht, ina dhóigheanna, fine man in appearance, in his ways. Duine ~ le labhairt leis, nice person to speak to. 4. (Of achievement) D’éirigh go ~ liom, I got on well. Is ~ uaidh amhrán a ghabháil, he can sing a song very well. 5. (Of inclination) Is ~ liom mo scíth a ligean, I like to rest myself. Ba bhreá liom a bheith ann, I’d love to be there. Imigh más ~ leat é, go away if you are so inclined. Mar is ~ leat féin, just as you wish. 6. (Intensifying, with other adjectives or with adverbs) Fear ~ mór, fine big man. Teach ~ fairsing, fine roomy house. Siúl ~ fada, good long walk. Bhí tú deas go ~ dó, you were very near it. ~ bog anois! Easy on there! 7. Iron: Mo Liam ~, my fine fellow Liam. An rógaire ~ sin agat, that fine rogue of yours. Nach ~ nár labhair tú liom? How well you did not speak to me? Nach ~ a tháinig tú? So you did come after all? (Is) ~ nach bhfuil náire ort! You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Tá go ~, a tháilliúir, (ach chaill tú do shnáthaid), that is all very fine (but...).
An bhean is breátha a chuir a haghaidh le h~, the most beautiful woman ever born.
Ba cheart dúinn a bheith amuigh ~ an lá chomh breá sin, we should be out of doors, seeing that the day is so fine.
Is breá an ~ atá aige, he has a strong voice.
Bhí ~ breá againn ann, we had a fine time there.
Fear breá ~ é, he is a fine man altogether.
Tá ~ breá againn ar an dúiche as seo, we have a fine view of the district from here.
Is breá an fear é, he is a fine man.
Daoine an-bhreá iad, they are very fine people.
Tá ~ bhreá ag an teach, the house is airy, spacious.
Teach breá ~, well-ventilated, spacious, house.
Tá ~ bhreá fir air, he has a fine manly appearance.
Is breá an leanbh é, ~ (ó Dhia) air, he is a fine child, God bless him.
Is breá an ~ é, it is a fine article.
Leanbh breá, Dia á bheannú, a fine child, God bless him.
Bheith go maith, go breá, go sásta, go socair, to be well, fine, satisfied, quiet.
Tá port breá eile aige, mar atá an Chúileann, he has another fine tune, namely, the Coolin.
Má tá, is breá an fear é, as to that, he is a fine man.
Is breá ~ atá sé agat, it is easy for you to talk.
Gallúnach ~ breá, perfumed soap.
Is breá an ~ Béarla é, it is very high-sounding English.
Is breá an ~ (gutha) atá aige, he has a great, strong, voice.
~ breá, purple loosestrife.
Is breá an chóisir iníonacha atá aige, he has a fine troupe of daughters.
Is breá an ~ é, it is well worth the price.
Tá ~ bhreá fir air, he looks a fine man.
Fear breá ina chosúlacht, a fine man in appearance.
Is breá an ~ atá ar an ainmhí sin, that animal is in very good condition.
Is breá an chuideachta iad, they are fine company, very sociable.
Cailín breá ~, fine likely girl.
Is breá an ~ atá déanta aige, he has done a fine sowing.
Fear breá ~, a fine handsome man.
Fear breá ina dhealramh, a fine man in appearance.
Is breá an ~ atá déanta acu inniu, they have turned up a lot of soil today.
Is breá an fear ar a dheilbh é; is breá an ~ fir atá air, he is a fine figure of a man.
Is breá go ~ an aimsir í, it is wonderful weather indeed.
Is breá an ~ atá oraibh, you have a fine time of it.
~ bhreá fiacla, fine set of teeth.
Is breá an lá é, it is a fine day.
Más ea, is breá an bhean í, as to that, she is a fine woman.
Ba bhreá leat a bheith ag ~eacht leis, one would love to hear him; it was wonderful to listen to him.
Duine breá é dá mbeadh ~ agat air, he is a fine person if you knew him well.
Is breá ar ~ é, it is really fine.
Is breá an ~ prátaí atá aige, he has a fine field of potatoes.
~na sheomraí breátha, with its fine rooms.
Is breá an saol atá aige i bh~ is a chomharsa, he has such a fine life in comparison with his neighbour.
Is breá ~ an bhean í, she is a fine woman indeed.
Is breá an fhoghlaim a thug tú dó, you taught him well;
~eann an gorm go breá di, the blue becomes her well.
Ní ~ nó ba bhreá an fear é, he must have been a fine man.
~ann sé go breá duit, it suits you well.
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