fóir1, f. (gs. ~each, pl. ~eacha). 1. (a) Boundary, limit. (b) Area, site. Thomhais sé ~ na rátha, he measured a site for the fort. (c) Edge, rim. 2. Facing, ‘clamp’. ~ poirt, facing of bank. ~ cruaiche, [’clamp’, built-up face, of stack. ~ a chur ar rud, rud a chur i bh~, to face, to build up the outside of, sth.; to cover sth. with layer of other material. Súgán ~each, straw rope for securing grain-heap. 3. (In phrases) Thar ~, beyond the limits, beyond measure. Dul thar ~ le rud, to go too far with sth. Rudaí a chur i bhfóir(ibh) a chéile, to put things neatly together.
fóir2, f. (gs. ~e). Lit: Band, company; group of inhabitants, people. ~ eachtrannach, group of foreigners. ~ fuinidh, the inhabitants of the west. ~ agus fonn, people and land.
fóir3, f. (gs. ~e). Help, succour, relief. Teacht, dul, i bh~ ar dhuine, to come, go, to the aid of s.o.
fóir4, v.t. & i. (vn. ~ithint, pp. ~the). 1. Help, succour, relieve, save. ~ithint ar dhuine, to go to the aid of s.o. Duine a fhóirithint ar, ó, rud, to save s.o. from sth. Rud a fhóirithint, ~ithint ar rud, to relieve sth. Saor agus ~ sinn ó olc, deliver and save us from evil. D’fhóir sé ar íota iad, it relieved them from thirst. Go bhfóire Dia orainn, God help us. Go bhfóire Dia ar do chiall! God give you sense! How little you know! 2. (a) ~ do, agree with, suit, fit, become. D’fhóir an bia, an t-athrach, dúinn, the food, the change, agreed with us. ~eann an obair dom, the work suits me. Ní fhóireann na bróga dó, the shoes don’t fit him. ~eann an gorm go breá di, the blue becomes her well. Má fhóireann sé duit fanacht againn, if it suits you to stay with us. Rinne sé mar a d’fhóir dó féin, he suited himself. ~fidh sé tamall dom, it will serve me for a time. (b) ~fidh sé uair éigin, it will come in useful sometime. Ní fhóirfeadh sé fearg a chur orthu, it wouldn’t do to anger them.