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deo could be a grammatical form of: eo »
deo1, s. (In phrase) Go ~, for ever, always; (with negative) never. 1. Go ~ na ndeor, na díleann, to the end of time, of all things; (neg.) never never. Go ~~, for ever and ever. Go ~ arís, never again. Mar a bhí riamh agus mar a bheas go ~, as it ever was and will be. Go ~ nó go bhfeice mé iad, never until I see them. 2. (Intensifying) Níl deireadh go ~ leis, it is never-ending. Is breá go ~ an aimsir í, it is wonderful weather indeed. Bhí sé an-fhuar go ~, it was exceedingly cold. Is báisteach go ~ é, it never stops raining. Is iontach go ~ (go, nach), it is remarkably strange (that). As go ~ leis, off he ran. 3. Go ~ thú! Dia go ~ leat! Good for you! Keep it up! Gleann Éile go ~! Up Glenealy!
deo2 = 1.
Ní fheicfidh tú aon ~ go deo orthu, you will never see them again.
Go brách, go deo, ~, never again.
Go ~~; go ~ agus go deo, for ever and ever.
Go ~ ná go deo, nevermore.
~ agus go deo, for ever and aye.
Níl ~ go deo leis, it is never-ending.
Ní bheidh ~ go deo leis seo, we’ll never reach, hear, the end of this.
~ (go deo) leat! Bravo! Well done!
Ní dhéanfaidh sé aon fheidhm go deo, he will never do any good, come to anything.
Ní fheicfidh sé ~ Dé go deo, he will never see the face of God.
Mo ghraidhin (go deo) thú! Mo dhá ghraidhin thú! ~ mo chroí thú! Bravo! Good yourself! (In sympathy)
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