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Céard atá tú a rá? What are you saying?
~, abraimis, go bhfuil an ceart agat, assuming that you are right.
Ní ag teacht atá siad ~ ag imeacht, they are not coming but going.
Níl tú ~ ag amaidí, you are only fooling.
Ní miste duit ~ an tsláinte a bheith agat, you needn’t care so long as you are in good health.
Níl a fhios ~ a bhfuil de shaibhreas acu, they are incalculably rich.
Cá mhéad ~ sa Phaidir? How many petitions are there in the Lord’s Prayer?
Tá an t-~ ort, you are lucky.
Tá na réaltaí ar an ~, the stars are out.
Tá an-~ eatarthu, they are a big distance apart.
Tá a n-~ soir, they are facing, heading, eastwards.
Tá mná ~ mná ann, there are women and (other kinds of) women.
Is tú an t-~, you are a right devil.
Tá na gearrcaigh ~, the young birds are fully fledged, ready to fly.
Cad ab ~ leat á dhéanamh sin? What are you doing that for?
Tá tú ar bhealach d’~a, you are on the road to ruin.
Tá siad ainmnithe as a gcineáltas, as a bhféile, they are noted for their kindness, for their generosity.
Tá an scéal go h~, things are in a sorry state.
Tá an bheirt acu ar aon ~, they are both the same height.
Níl aon ~ iontu, le baint astu, they are of no use.
Tá an ghlóir d’~ acu, they are assured of glory.
Tá tú in ~ do bhuailte, you are in for a hiding.
Tá ~ ar an iasc, the fish are rising, taking the bait.
Is maith an ~ atá agat, you are quick to recognize people.
Tá ~ saighdiúirí ag teacht orthu, they are beginning to look like soldiers.
An bhfuil ~ ort as do pheacaí? Are you sorry for your sins?
Tá an coirce in ~ a bhainte, the oats are ready for reaping.
Má tá rud agat ~ é, if you are well off you should thank God for it.
Tá tú i do strainséir ~ agam, you are a complete stranger to me.
Tá siad ~ is isteach chuig a chéile arís, they are on visiting, friendly, terms again.
Tá ~ ort, you are being foolish; you are talking nonsense.
Más ~ go bhfuil tú ag imeacht, if in fact you are going away.
Tá sé ina ~ agat, you are making a song of it.
Tá mé in ~, san ~, an bhfuil an ceart agat, I am doubtful whether you are right.
Tá na bláthanna ~, the flowers are in bloom.
Tá na héin ~, the chicks are hatched out.
Tá na ribíní ~ arís, the ribbons are again being worn.
Tá na cártaí ~, the cards are dealt.
Tá siad ~ ar a, le, chéile, they are on bad terms.
Is iad is fearr ~ is amach, they are by far the best.
Tá an t-eallach daor, cattle are dear.
Tá na tithe gann, houses are scarce.
Daoine an-bhreá iad, they are very fine people.
Tá dóigh ~ orthu, they are in needy circumstances.
Is fada ~ a thug do chosa thú, you are intruding where you are not wanted.
Tá a gclann ag éirí ~, their children are growing up.
Tá beirt againn ~, (i) there are two of us, (ii) we are both alike.
Is ~ duit! So there you are! So you are still alive!
Cé atá agam ~? Cé seo agam ~? Who is it? Who are you?
Is tú is cóir a bheith ~! You are a lucky beggar!
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