buile, f. (gs. ~). Madness, frenzy. Bheith ar ~, to be mad, furious. Dul ar, le, ~, to go mad, to become frantic. Duine a chur ar, le, ~, to drive s.o. mad, to infuriate s.o. Tá sé ar ~ linn, he is mad at us. Ar ~ dhearg, raging mad. Tá sé ar ~ agus ar báiní, le ~ agus le báiní, he is beside himself with fury. ~ feirge, mad rage. Tá ~ siúil faoi, he is travelling at a furious pace. Ar ~ chun rud a dhéanamh, crazy to do sth. Fear ~, madman. Súil bhuile, mad, furious, look. Ocras ~, ravenous hunger. Ag imirt cleas a m~, playing their mad pranks. Síleann fear na ~ gurb é féin fear na céille, the madman prides himself on his good sense.
Le buile is le ~, stark raving mad.
Bhí sé ina chaor bhuile, mhire, he was raging mad.
Bhí ~ ann (le buile), he was quivering (with rage).
Duine a chur ar meisce, ar buile, to make s.o. drunk, mad.
Duine a chur le buile, le cuthach, to make s.o. mad, furious.
~ buile, nimhe, na ndaol, an diabhail, mad, venomous, black, devilish, hate.
Ag ~áil ar seachrán, ar buile, going astray, mad.
Tá sé ina ghealt bhuile (mhire, nimhe), he is stark mad.
~ buile, spasm of frenzy.
~ bhuile (i súile), mad glare (in eyes).
Ar na stártha buile, raging mad.
~ bhuile, feirge, fit of madness, of anger.
2. ~ feirge, buile, fit of anger, of madness.
Dul le buile, le báiní, le cuthach, to become mad, frantic, furious.
An ~ bhuile seo ar rachmas, this mad chase after wealth.