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cruth1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna).1. Shape, appearance. Teacht i g~, to take shape. Dul i g~ duine, ruda, to assume the appearance of s.o., of sth. ~ a chur ar rud, to give shape to sth. Cuir ~ (éigin) ort féin, tidy yourself up. I g~ daonna, in human form. Is é a athair ina chruth daonna é, he is the very image of his father. Bhí sé as a chruth, his appearance had changed; he was not himself. Tá sé ina chruth féin arís, he is his natural self again. Bhí ~ an bháis air, he looked like death. Rud, scéal, gan chruth, unlikely thing, story. Chuir sin ~ eile ar an scéal, that put a different complexion on the matter. Chonaic mé ~, I saw a figure, an apparition. S.a. cleite 1. 2. State, condition. Ná feicidís thú sa chruth sin, don’t let them see you in that condition. Sa chruth ina bhfuil an obair faoi láthair, in the present condition of the work. Bhí sé i g~ titim, he was in a state of collapse. I g~(anna) báis, in a dying state. Tá sé i g~ an tsagairt, it is time to get the priest for him. Bhí sí sa chruth (is) go screadfadh sí, she was ready to scream. Níl mé sa chruth (is) go ndéanfainn an siúl, I am not in a fit condition for the journey. 3. Manner, mode. I g~, sa chruth, (is) go, in such a way that; so that, in order that.
cruth2, m = crú1.
~ crutha, deilbhe, transformation.
Cleití crutha, contour feathers.
Cruth ~, vague form.
Cruth agus deilbh agus ~, form and figure and appearance.
I gcruth titim, in a state of collapse.
Sa chruth go, with the result that; in order that.
Cruth a shóinseáil, to change shape.
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