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cleite, m. (gs. ~, pl. -tí). 1. Feather. Níor baineadh ~ as, he didn’t lose a feather, he was unscathed. Tá a chleití síos leis, his feathers are drooping; he is crestfallen. Chuir mé ~ ina shrón, I put a stop to his antics. Baineadh dá chleití, his feathers were cropped. An ~ is fearr ina sciathán, his mainstay. Ní raibh barr ~ isteach ná bun ~ amach, everything was perfectly arranged; there wasn’t a hair out of place. Rugadh air idir chorp chleite is sciathán, he was seized bodily. Cleití crutha, contour feathers. 2. Quill. ~ gé, goose-quill. Peann ~, quill pen. Níor chuir sé scríob chleite chugam, he never wrote me a line. Do chleite a chur i rud, to interfere in sth. ~ comhrá, subject of conversation. S.a. ainm 1(a), beadaí2, lá 2 (d). 3. Plume. 4. Bot: Pinna. 5. ~ an mhaotháin, ensiform cartilage. 6. ~ (de dhuine, de bhean), feather-weight. (Var: pl. ~acha)
Chaill an t-éan a chleití, a eiteog, the bird lost its feathers, its wing.
~ cleite, pen-name.
Gabhfad de chleite an bheadaí ort, ‘I will take the goose-quill to you’, summons you.
Idir chorp (is) cheirt; idir chorp is chleití; idir chorp chleite is sciathán, bodily, entirely.
~ cleite, quill of feather.
Chomh ~ le hairne, le bac, le cleite an fhéich, le gual, le pic, le sméar, le tóin corcáin, le Poll Tí Liabáin, as black as a sloe, as a hob, as a raven’s feather, as coal, as pitch, as a berry, as the bottom of a pot, as Erebus.
Chomh h~ le cleite, as light as a feather.
Chomh dubh leis an bh~, le cleite an fhiaigh, as black as a raven, as a raven’s feather.
Idir ghob, chleite is sciathán, lock, stock and barrel.
~ Philib an Chleite, ~ Thaidhg na dTadhgann, ~ Sheoin Dic, Tibb’s Eve.
~ chleití, feather boa.
~ cleite, quill pen.
Níl ~ cleite, soip, bunóice, ann, he weighs no more than a feather, a straw, an infant.
Leis an ~ atá ar chleití na n-éan, on account of the way the birds’ feathers are arranged.
Níor chuir sé ~ de pheann, ~ chleite, chugam, he didn’t even drop me a line.
Cleití ~a, bedraggled feathers.
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