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peann, m. (gs. & npl. pinn, gpl. ~). 1. Pen. ~ cleite, quill pen. ~ líníochta, drawing-pen. ~ a chur le páipéar, to put pen to paper. Do lámh a chur ar an b~, to attest one’s mark (in lieu of signature). Fear pinn, penman. Lán pinn (de bhiotáille), little drop (of spirits). Don diabhal sileadh pinn, devil a drop. 2. ~ luaidhe, lead pencil. (Var: npl. ~a)
~ bioráin, pinn, point of pin, of pen.
Bata, peann luaidhe, féasóg, a bhiorú, to point a stick, a pencil, a beard.
Bhronn sé an peann orm, he gave me the pen as a present.
Cár fhág tú mo pheann? Where did you leave my pen?
Sin peann maith má thugann tú a cheart dó, that is a good pen if you use it properly.
Peann ~, quill pen.
Is deas an chomaoin orm mo pheann a thabhairt leat, it is a nice way you repay me by taking my pen.
Ag ~ le peann, scrawling with a pen, writing in a spidery hand.
Iasacht de pheann, the loan of a pen.
~ pinn, cló, clerical, printer’s, error.
(Agus) ~ peann féin aige, when he hasn’t even a pen.
~ pinn, pen wiper.
~ pinn, point of pen; nib.
Peann ~, ball-point pen.
I g~ pinn, rámha, speile, wielding, working with, a pen, an oar, a scythe.
D’~ tú le mo pheann, you took my pen.
Bhí ~ pinn agam, I had a makeshift pen.
Áit a mharcáil le peann luaidhe, to mark a place with a pencil.
Ag ~ le peann, ar pá, working with a pen, for pay.
Is deas an ~ atá déanta agat ar mo pheann, you have done a nice job on my pen.
~ de pheann, a scrape of the pen.
Níor chuir sé ~ de pheann, ~ chleite, chugam, he didn’t even drop me a line.
1. ~ le peann, le dúch, to write with a pen, in ink.
Peann ~ an ceann seo, a pen other than this one.
Tá ~ pinn agam, I have a pen of sorts.
Tá an peann ag ~adh, the pen is spluttering.
Tá an peann seo ag spré an dúigh, this pen is spattering the ink.
Thug sé leis peann agus páipéar, he took pen and paper.
Tá sí mar a tharraingeofaí le peann í, she is a picture.
Tharraing sé air peann agus páipéar, he took hold of pen and paper.
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